Chapter 156

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


After talking to Harry in the Hospital Wing, I used my ATLAS to make sure there was no one in the corridors, and seeing that the only people around were Madam Pomfrey who was in her dorm in the room next to the Hospital Wing and Filch who was on the first floor, I took the petrified Dobby to the Room of Requirement.

Arriving at the Room of Requirement I put Dobby on a chair and depetrified only his face, and as soon as I did he started looking at me with his big green eyes, but I didn't feel any feelings of fear or concern coming from him, just curiosity.

'Hah, I doubt he's afraid of anything after living with the Malfoys for so long' I thought with a sad smile on my face.

I then looked at Dobby, and pulled out a chair to sit across from him.

"Hey, your name is Dobby, right?" I asked.

"Yes sir, I'm Dobby" he replied quickly, and I don't know if it was because he thought it was an order, or if he gives his name to anyone who asks.

"Well Dobby, you're the Malfoys' elf, right?" I asked, and as soon as I said that Dobby looked at me with wide eyes.

"Oh no, you can't know who Dobby's masters are! Dobby are wrong, Dobby has to be punished! Oh, bad Dobby, dumb Dobby" Dobby started to grumble, and I was sure that if he hadn't been petrified he would have been trying to punish yourself.

"Calm down Dobby, I know you're the Malfoys' elf because Draco told me," I said, and that's obviously a lie.

In fact, I've heard Draco bragging about having a "idiot elf" serving his family, but he never said the elf's name.

"Sir young master told you?" he asked.

"Yeah, he told me about you 'cause we're best friends," I said, hiding the disgust in my voice, and as soon as I said that, Dobby started to look at me with wide eyes, but then something seemed to click in his mind.

"Oh no, so the sir will tell the sir young master that Dobby was talking to sir Harry Potter, and then the sir young master will punish Dobby and then he will tell the Master that Dobby was talking to sir Harry Potter and then the master will punish Dobby and..."

"Calm down Dobby, I won't tell anyone," I said, tired of hearing so many sir in the same sentence.

"You won't?" Dobby asked.

"I won't," I said, and that made Dobby sigh in relief, "But there's something else I'd like to tell you."

"What would you like to say to Dobby?"

"First of all, you don't have to call me sir, you can call me Ethan," I said.

"All right, Sir Ethan," Dobby said, and I resisted the urge to palm my face.

I then sighed and looked at Dobby.

"Dobby, I want you to stop trying to get Harry to leave Hogwarts," I said.

"But Sir Harry Potter is in danger and..."

"Listen to me Dobby" I said, and Dobby was quiet, "Harry is not in any danger as the Chamber of Secrets will not be opened"

"Does Sir Ethan know about the Chamber of Secrets?" Dobby asked me, "And won't it be opened?"

"Yes Dobby, I know about the Chamber, and it won't be opened. I have Mr. Malfoy's diary, so there's no way the Chamber will be opened, so please stop trying to send Harry home" I said.

"Do you have the diary?!" Dobby asked, his eyes brightening hopefully.

"Yeah, but you can't tell anyone about it, or anything involving the Chamber of Secrets, okay?"

Dobby then looked at me and nodded, but then he seemed to have thought of something.

"But what if Dobby's masters ask him? Dobby will have to tell them everything, and then they will know that Dobby spoke to Sir Ethan and Sir Harry Potter and..."

"Dobby!" I yelled to get his attention, which worked, "That's another thing I want to talk to you about... Do you want to be free?" I asked.

"Dobby... Free?" he asked.

"Yes, would you like to be free, without having to be punished, without having to listen to orders from the Malfoys or anyone else, without having to wear those rags?" I asked, and with each sentence Dobby's eyes gleamed more and more.

"Yes, yes, yes. Dobby would like to be a free elf" he said, nodding quickly, but then he lost heart again, "But Dobby won't be free, Dobby's masters will never give a piece of clothing to Dobby"

"I know Dobby, and that's why I'm going to help you get that piece of clothing for you to be free," I said with a confident, calm smile on my face.

"How are you going to help Dobby?"

"Well, I'm going to need your help with that," I said with a sly look on my face.


-Malfoy Manor - Master Bedroom-

[POV - Third Person]

In a large room, with a lot of obviously expensive furniture, two people with long blond hair were sleeping in a bed.


Suddenly, in the air above the long-haired person with the more masculine features appeared a black diary, which fell on his face.

"Urgh" groaned Lucius, bringing his hand up to his face and feeling the diary, "What?" he wondered.

Sitting up in bed, he picked up the diary and looked at it.

The diary that was in his hands suddenly glowed in the green color, catching him off guard, and for some reason he felt an immense urge to open said diary.

Opening the diary he saw that there was a sock between the pages, and he looked at the sock without understanding.

Picking up the sock in disgust with his fingertips, he looked at the page, which had some writing on it.

"Dear Mr. Lucius Malfoy, I'd like to say that I'm amazed at how stupid your plan was.

Trying to get rid of a dark item by putting it in an eleven-year-old girl's things is disgusting, even for you... Or so I thought.

But what impresses me the most is the fact that you know the danger that this item would bring to Hogwarts and the students at the school, a school which your own son attends.

Tsk, Tsk Malfoy, I expected more from you...

As I have more important matters to attend to, I won't be able to punish little Lucius, so I'm going to do something that won't physically hurt you, but it will be a little humiliating for you and your reputation, hehehe.

I hope you like my gift, as well as my new friend's gift."

When Lucius finished reading that diary page, the text in it began to change, until the word "Freedom!" was written.

The diary then glowed again, and suddenly Lucius felt an immense urge to throw something, and as he only had that sock in his hand, he threw it.


Lucius, who was still seething with rage, looked in the direction the apparition's sound had come from, and he then saw there, standing in front of his bed, his stupid house-elf, who was now holding the sock in his hands.

"Uhuuu! Dobby is free! Dobby is free!" Dobby exclaimed as he jumped excitedly.

Narcissa, who was sleeping, ended up being woken up by all the noise and screaming.

"What is happening?" she asked, but then she saw her family elf holding a sock as he jumped across the bedroom excitedly shouting that he was free, "What?"

She then turned to her husband and saw him looking gaping at the elf, "Lucius, what have you done?" she asked, but he was still too shocked to answer.

Dobby then stopped jumping, and with a huge smile on his face he looked at the Malfoys with a vengeful look that no one expected an elf to have.

"Thank you for freeing Dobby... And the sir had Dobby deliver this to you," he said, snapping his fingers.

Just as Dobby snapped his fingers, a bucket appeared floating above the Malfoys' heads causing Lucius and Narcissa to look up.

Lucius, who saw the bucket above them, hurriedly tried to grab his wand which was on the table beside his bed, but emphasis on the tried, since as soon as he stretched out his arm Dobby turned the bucket over.

As the bucket overturned, sticky blue goo fell on top of the both Malfoys.

"Arrivederci bitches!" Dobby said, and then he quickly snapped his fingers again and Apparated.





"What the hell just happened?" the both Malfoys wondered, with Narcissa looking at her now gooey hair in shock and anger, and meanwhile Lucius... was doing the same...

But besides being worried about his hair, Lucius was also feeling a tremendous hatred for the person who had planned all this.

'Bastard!' he ground his teeth.



(End AN: Jesus, I don't think I've ever sneezed so much in one minute.

How are you my dear readers?

Sometimes I feel like this year is going by too fast, but sometimes it feels so slow too.

Is this the curse of boredom?

When we have so many things to do, the day goes by so fast that we don't even realize it, and when we have all day free with nothing to do, it goes by so slowly that I feel like I could watch Naruto from classic to Shippuden, counting with the fillers.