Chapter 194

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Abandoned Classroom - Luna's Birthday Party-

"This cake is really good," Hannah, who is a sweets addict, said.

"I'm not a big fan of sweets, but this time I have to agree" Sally said, eating her second piece of cake, "Who made it?"

"It was the house elves," I said.

"How did you convince them to make this cake for you?" Lee asked me.

"Do you really think I needed to convince them?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, "They basically begged to make the cake... In fact, I was pretty sure they were going to start a deadly battle to decide who would make it" I said.

"Well... This is something that would actually happen" Lee nodded.

'Glad Granger isn't around to hear about the Hogwarts elves' I thought with relief.

"I can't wait to go to third year so I can taste some of this drink from the gods every weekend," Stephen said, looking at the Butterbeer in his hand as if it were his last bottle of water after spend 3 days in a desert.

"You're weird" I said, but Stephen just looked at me with contempt.

Ignoring Stephen's gaze, I looked around to see my friends enjoying themselves, bringing a happy smile to my face.

Looking to one of the corners of the room, I found Luna talking to the Golden Trio, and out of curiosity I started listening to their conversation.

"Hey Luna, you're in your first year, right?" Granger asked Luna, who nodded, "If you've been at school for less than 6 months, how did you manage to make friends with so many people?" she asked curiously.

"What do you mean Hermione?" Ron asked confused.

"I mean, she's a first year and she already has so many friends, and if we look around, the only friend she has who is in the same year as her is Ginny," Granger said, and Ron and Harry looked around, realizing that what she said is true, "So I was curious to know how she made friends with the others"

Listening to Granger's question I realized this was a bit of a rude question to ask, but I knew where it was coming from.

Granger wasn't asking these questions with bad intentions, but friendship and friends is a touchy subject for her, as she didn't have any friends at her muggle schools because of her personality, and at Hogwarts she only managed to make two friends, and that was it after they went through a life-or-death situation together.

And to see Luna, who has been at Hogwarts for such a short time, have so many friends, aroused a small feeling of envy in Granger, but that feeling was overshadowed by curiosity.

"Well, to tell you the truth, my Ravenclaw classmates don't like me very much and think I'm weird, and I probably wouldn't have friends if I hadn't been welcomed by Sue, Lisa, Anthony, Ethan and the others" Luna said, looking with a smile at my group who were having fun in a competition of who could put the most candy in their mouths, "They decided it would be nice to have me in their group of friends, and I'm happy for that"

When Luna finished speaking, the golden trio looked at her with various feelings, sadness being the most noticeable.

"And as for my friends from other years and houses, we're in the same study group, and there we became friends," she continued, and Granger who had previously looked at her with pity now looked at her in shock.

"Study group?! Did you create a study group?!" she exclaimed, startling Harry and Ron.

"By Merlin Hermione, we're on your side!" Ron said, covering his ears.

"I already have trouble seeing, now I think I'm going to have trouble hearing too" Harry said, rubbing his ears.

"When did you create this study group? Who is participating in it? Do you still have openings for new participants?" Granger started with her barrage of questions, ignoring Ron's grumbles.

"Well, we created this study group at the beginning of the year, and about who is participating in it... Almost all the sophomores, and just Ginny and I are the first years" Luna replied with her finger on her chin, "And why would we have openings for new participants? The group is an open study group for everyone" she said.

"Is it an open group?" Granger asked in surprise.

"For everyone?" Ron asked, frowning.

"Yes and Yes" Luna replied with quick nods.

"So does that mean even the Slytherins are in this study group?" Ron asked, and now even Harry was frowning, wondering if Malfoy was in this study group too.

"Yes" Luna replied, "Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis and Theodore Nott, those are the Slytherins that are in the group too"

When Ron and Harry didn't hear Malfoy's name, they sighed in relief.

"Oh, and Lily is in the group too," Luna continued, looking at the little girl who was chatting happily in the corner.

"Wait… Is she in Slytherin?" Ron asked in surprise.

"You should pay more attention to your surroundings Ron, she's in our classes we shared with Slytherin" Hermione scolded.

"Like I don't have better things to do than pay attention to some Slytherins," Ron grumbled.

"But do any of these Slytherins try to cause any kind of trouble for you?" Harry asked.

"And why would they try to cause any kind of trouble for us?" Luna asked confused.

"Well, you know... Because you are friends with muggleborns... or because there are muggleborns participating in the group" Harry replied.

"Well... Davis doesn't talk much and seems to be a bit shy, but she doesn't seem to mind. Zabini is even quieter, and he prefers to spend his time solving the tasks that the teachers give us" Luna started to say, remembering all the interactions she's had with the four Slytherins, "Theodore doesn't talk much, but I've seen him talking to Ethan outside of study group, so he probably doesn't care about muggleborns. Greengrass is a little cold, and I've seen her frown while looking at Ethan and Stephen, so I think maybe she doesn't like muggleborns very much, but she spends most of her time silent."

"So in short, do all Slytherins spend most of their time in the group quiet and silent?" Ron said, looking strangely at Luna.

"If we don't count Lily, then yes" Luna nodded.

"Amazing" Ron commented dryly.

"I know," Luna said excitedly, not noticing the sarcasm in Ron's tone.

"But I'm curious, how did you all come together in this group? Who was it that started him?" Granger asked.

"Oh that was Ethan" Luna replied but before she could continue she was interrupted by Granger.

"Night?" she asked, frowning.

"Yes, Ethan Night" Luna nodded happily.

"And here we go again" Ron whispered to Harry.

"Shut up, she'll hear you" Harry whispered back, and when Granger turned to the two of them with narrowed eyes they went quiet and sat up straight, afraid of the possible punishment they might receive.

Before Granger could continue with her questioning, they heard someone scream.

"Hey guys, now it's time to open the presents!" Anthony yelled, getting everyone's attention, and causing Luna to turn around excitedly.

Granger, seeing that she didn't have the answers to the questions in her mind, crossed her arms with a snort, and Harry and Ron sighed in relief.


After we all gathered in a circle, with Luna sitting in the main chair that the twins had transfigured into a throne, everyone started picking up their presents from the pile of presents to deliver to Luna.

The first to give a present to Luna was Terry, who picked up a purple gift-wrapped box that was approximately eight inches in size.

Luna, after receiving the gift, wasted no time and opened it.

"This is?" she asked, looking in surprise at the object in her hand.

"A figurine of a Chimera? Yes, it is," Terry said, nodding happily.

"And to complement his presente, here are ours" Stephen said, giving a present to Luna, with Anthony doing the same.

As Luna opened the two presents, she found two more figurines.

"A Sphinx and a Nundu!" Luna exclaimed in surprise and excitement.

"We asked Professor McGonagall to transfigure them for us" Terry began.

"And not to be a simple figurine, we also spoke to Professor Flitwick" Anthony continued for him.

"Slap your wand at them and say [Roar]" Stephen said, and that's what Luna did.

As soon as she tapped the figurines with her wand they seemed to come to life, with each of the animals roaring and moving, causing Luna's eyes to glow excitedly.

"Wow!" She said, bringing her hand close to the Chimera figurine, who lowered it head to let Luna caress it, "They're amazing" she said, with a real smile on her face, "Thank you"

The boys, seeing her smile, greeted each other with satisfied and proud smiles.

"Hmm, would Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall make me a Crumple-Horned Snorkack figurine if I asked?" Luna asked aloud.

"Who knows" Terry shrugged.

With that exchange, Granger looked at Luna confused.

'What is a Crumple-Horned Snorkack?' she asked herself, looking around and seeing that only she looked confused.



(End AN: There's a fanfic that's been on my reading list for a long time.

I don't know if it's good, but a lot of people speak well of this fanfic, and you probably know it. The name of this fanfic is "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality".

Is it worth reading it? Could you tell me a brief summary about it? I accept spoilers.)