Chapter 200

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Second-Floor Girls' Bathroom-

"Well, I guess now the time has finally come," I said to myself, holding my wand firmly as I looked at the bathroom sinks.

After my conversation with Luna at the Black Lake I went to the Room of Requirement to pack all the items and things that would be needed for my quest.

I was wearing my enchanted outfit that I wore last year to face Quirrellmort. I also had a few things stashed in my pockets, like the potions I made, and some cubes that were nothing short of transfigured roosters.

Taking a long breath, I gripped my wand tightly, earning a look of seriousness on my face, as I knew that any mistake I made now could result in disaster for the school and my death.

"§Open§" I said in Parseltongue, and the sinks in front of me gleamed before they began to move and fade away, showing a large pipe that could easily fit a grown man.

Looking at the entrance to the secret chamber, I started casting spells and wards over the bathroom, just in case.

After finishing casting the wards in the bathroom, I approached the pipe. I then closed my eyes, as I didn't know if I would find the Basilisk when I reached the end of the pipe.

Using my other senses to the fullest, I prepared to jump, but before that I said 'close' in Parseltongue, as I had no idea if the entrance would close as I passed.

When I felt the sink's magic react, I jumped, sliding quickly down the pipe.


After many curves and a very long descent, I finally reached the end of the pipe, landing on a damp stone floor.

With my senses I could feel that I was in a wide tunnel, and in front of me was a narrow tunnel that would probably take me to the main chamber and the Basilisk.

"I hope I don't find that damn snake in these tunnels... It would be really hard to fight him in a place like this" I muttered, following through the tunnel with my wand in my hand pointed forward.

After walking a bit through the tunnel I felt that there was a big space a few meters in front of me, and ignoring the side tunnels I kept going through the main tunnel, until I came to a wide part, where I could feel a lot of bones below the my feet, breaking easily with my steps.

Ignoring the big snakeskin that was in the corner, I kept walking.

After walking a little more through the tunnel, I came across a wall, and not feeling the Basilisk I opened my eyes.

After opening my eyes I saw that in front of me there was a big smooth wall with some stone snakes surrounding it, and these snakes had emeralds in their eyes, giving them a sinister glow.

"Hmm, this is very different from the chamber entrance shown in the movies," I muttered looking around, but then I shook my head and refocused on the main subject.

"§Open§" I said, and then the stone snakes on the wall began to move as if they were real snakes, opening the way to the chamber.

I then used my senses to feel if the snake was further ahead, but I didn't feel anything, so I continued to walk down the chamber's corridor with my eyes open, looking and analyzing every detail of it.

Walking through the chamber I noticed that it looked like the one described in the books, and upon reaching the central area of ​​the chamber, I saw the huge stone statue of Salazar Slytherin.

The statue was gigantic, and was probably over 30 meters. Looking around the damp, dimly lit chamber, I noticed several large statues of Salazar's face, and one in particular caught my eye for the magic that was seeping out of it.

"Funny that the thing that scares me the most in this chamber isn't the Basilisk, but yes the Salazar's narcissism," I muttered, looking strangely at the statues of his face.

"Attention Ethan… Now is not the time to think about useless things," I said, taking a deep breath. I then took those cubes out of my pocket and threw them, scattering them across the chamber.

I also took one of the "Curse of the Evil Queen" potions out of my pocket, and levitated the vial up high.

Taking a deep breath again, I closed my eyes and ran my magic through my body, honing and strengthening my physical abilities.

"§Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four§" I said, and I felt the statue's magic react.

I didn't even need to open my eyes to realize that the statue's mouth was opening, and with my senses I could feel the Basilisk coming out of it.

"Fuck" I said as I used my sonar magic to measure the Basilisk's size, seeing that he was over 50 feet tall, "I almost feel like I'm in the movie 'Anaconda'... Only with more venom and some deadly stares"

"§Masssster?§" As I was eyeing the Basilisk warily I heard him speak, obviously confused.

'Wait… He doesn't know I'm not Riddle and I'm not a Slytherin descendant' I thought, with a plan forming in my mind.

"§Err...Yesss?§" I said, and I could feel the Basilisk swaying slowly from side to side as it rose. The snake then licked the air, and I could feel his confused emotions shift to anger.

"§Ssss... You are not the massster! Nor the heir!§" the Basilisk said angrily.

"Well... Back to Plan A then," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

And then, before the Basilisk could attack first, I quickly waved my wand, undoing the transfiguration on the cubes, turning them back into roosters.

And right after transfiguring the roosters back, I quickly cast two spells on said roosters. One of the spells was a compulsion spell to make them crow, and the other was one of the sonorus spells I learned.

*Roosters crowing!*

"§Sssss! NOO!§" the Basilisk screamed, groaning in pain as it thrashed around fiercely, slamming into the walls of the chamber, making the place shake.

"So the crowing of a rooster really is a basilisk's weakness," I muttered, a smile on my face, trying to ignore the part of me that felt bad from the pain that I was inflicting on the snake.

Seeing that the snake was helpless I started to cast several sequences of offensive and destructive spells on it, testing the durability of its skin.

"[Diffindo]! [Sectumsempra]! [Repulso]! Damn, how tough is this snake's skin?!" I cursed, transfiguring some rocks into spikes and shooting them in the snake's eyes, missing by millimeters.

"§Sss Enough!§" the Basilisk yelled, waving its tail in my direction.

Having dodged its tail, I quickly got up and launched an [Aqua Eructo], causing a jet of water to come out of my wand, and I froze that water, trying again to hit the damn snake's eyes, but I again missed because I had to dodge its tail again.

I was expecting another attack from the Basilisk, but I saw that he turned around, ignoring me, and attacked one of the roosters that were at the foot of Salazar's statue.

"Damn it," I said scowling, also realizing that the Basilisk was suffering from the sound of roosters crowing, but it wasn't dying, and to make matters worse, the bloody snake seemed to be developing a resistance to the sound over time.

"Hey you stupid snake!" I screamed, levitating the broken stones from the statues that the Basilisk had hit in his frenzy, and using some spells I threw those stones at him.

"§Impureeee!§" the snake said, turning towards me and advancing towards me.

"Well, I managed to get his attention," I muttered, seeing the Basilisk rising and getting ready to attack me, "[Protego]!" I exclaimed, stopping the Basilisk's frontal attack.

"[Lumos Maxima]!" I continued, and I heard the snake moan probably having been blinded by the sudden light, "I hope you like this" I said, casting a spell upwards.

The spell I cast hit the potion vial I had levitated earlier, and the vial then shattered, with all the liquid inside turning to a large purple gas.

Using my wand, I controlled the gas to surround the Basilisk.

And right after that I created a bubble, which enveloped the snake's head with the gas inside.

"Sweet dreams," I said, watching the snake struggle, but with every second its movements slowed, until in a moment the snake simply fell to the ground motionless.

"Sigh... This wasn't that difficult." I said, waiting a bit to get closer to the snake, seeing that its magic was still a little agitated.

After waiting two minutes, I started to approach Basilisk, pulling my dagger out of its sheath.

When I was in front of the Basilisk's head, I canceled the bubble spell and got rid of the remaining gas.

Looking at the creature in front of me, I raised my dagger high, ready to stab the snake to death.

But my hand remained still, and I could feel it was shaking.

"Damn it," I said, looking at the snake lying in front of me with a frown.

'Even now, when I'm facing the helpless Basilisk, I still can't accept the fact that I have to kill him' I thought, gripping the dagger tightly.

'Fuck! Focus Ethan... If you don't, Voldemort can use the snake again when he resurrects, and all the deaths the snake causes will be your fault' I said to myself, clenching my other hand into a fist.

I then took a deep breath, and ignoring the tremors in my body, I raised my other hand, gripping the dagger tightly with both hands.

But just as I was about to stab the snake, my senses alerted me madly.

"!!" and at exactly the same moment my senses alerted me, I felt the snake's magic suddenly stir violently.

With me being so close to the Basilisk and being caught off guard, I didn't have time to react to the snake's sudden attack, which used its head to viciously hit me, sending me flying through the air.

I then flew until I hit one of Salazar's face statues, dropping the dagger on impact.

"Argh!" I groaned painfully, feeling all the air leaving my lungs, and then an ache shot through my body.



(End AN: I was going to stop posting chapters this weekend to organize the other sites that I intend to post my story, but as the site removed this chapter block I'll go back to posting the chapters normally.

I will still post my fanfic on the other sites, but now I can start editing and revising my old chapters slowly, without worrying about my readers not being able to read my story.

So far I've only organized the story on FF.Net and ScribbleHub, and I've posted a prologue on RoyalRoad. When all chapters are reviewed I will post them on these 3 sites.

My name on these sites are: XSe7en (FF.Net), Se7eNX (RoyalRoad), and Se7en (ScribbleHub).

The name of the fanfic is the same, Savage: The Night Wizard.)