Chapter 227

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


Ravenclaw and Gryffindor third years students weren't the only ones who found Professor Lupin's classes amazing. Basically there was mutual agreement among all the students at the school who had already had their first DADA class this school year that he was a great DADA teacher, and only a few had anything bad to say about him and his classes, but all these bad things were drowned out by so many good things being said.

And it was the same for Hagrid, who was still teaching with as much joy as he had been on the first day.

We haven't had another Care of Magical Creatures class yet, but Hagrid has already told me he's going to review the Hippogriffs again in his next class before we move on to another creature.

Everything would be going great with me having fun with my friends and the classes being fun and exciting, if it weren't for the fact that there was a heavy atmosphere hanging over the students and teachers, either because of the presence of the Dementors or because of the sighting of Sirius Black who was seen just a few kilometers from Hogwarts.

I intended to wait for Halloween to ambush Sirius when he was going to try to break into the Gryffindor common room.

I wanted to talk to him and try to convince him that the best thing to do would be to hand the rat over to the ministry, and thus also exonerate himself so he could take care of Harry for real.

But that whole plan boiled down to hoping Sirius would agree to stay hidden and not go looking for Pettigrew, and if he didn't listen to me, I'd simply have to stun him and arrest him.



Yeah, I think I'll actually leave the talking part as a second option, stunning Sirius and arresting him seems a lot easier.


The weekend passed and so did Sue's birthday, and as all my friends and I knew when her birthday was we decided to have a little party for her, but not as big as the one we had for Luna earlier in the year.

Sue was really happy about the party as she wasn't expecting it, and we had so much fun celebrating and eating.

But now back to the subject, today is Monday, the day of my first Ancient Runes class, and I was walking down the halls towards the Runes classroom, with Lily by my side, with her talking excitedly about her DADA class she just had.

"And then the Boggart showed up and I went BAM! And it screamed and went POW! Then Professor Lupin went and TAH! And the Boggart exploded with a BOOM!" Lily said excitedly, gesturing and grimacing in a cute way.

"Amazing! I'm proud of you," I said, ruffling Lily's hair to her delight as we walked into the classroom.

"Hehe, yes" she said smiling, "I think this was one of the best lessons I've ever had"

"I'm glad to hear that, and I'm sure Professor Lupin would be glad to hear that too," I said, taking the seats to the left of the room with Lily sitting next to me.

"Maybe" she said with a finger on her chin. She then let out a sad sigh, "I just wish my housemates weren't trying to disrupt Professor Lupin's class or badmouthing him."

"Sigh, unfortunately not all people can be as thoughtful and nice as you are," I said with a small smile.

"You mean not all Slytherins, right?" she asked with a playful smile on her face.

"Maybe…" I said looking away.

"Hi Ethan" I heard someone speak next to me, and turning around I saw Hermione standing holding a book in her arms, "Can I sit with you?" she asked.

"Of course," I said, pointing to the free seat on my other side.

"Thank you" she said smiling.

She then sat down next to me and placed her book on the table, pulling out a few other things from her bag.

As soon as she finished packing all her things she turned to look at Lily, only realizing her presence now.

"You're Lily, aren't you?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, and you must be Hermione," Lily said, reaching across the table to Hermione, "We've met at Luna's party and in the Gryffindor and Slytherin joint classes, but I don't think I ever had a chance to talk to you."

"Well, then nice to meet you Lily" Hermione shaking her hand with a smile on her face, "From what I've heard from Fay you are probably one of the few nice girls in Slytherin"

"Well I wouldn't say I'm the only one" Lily said a little embarrassed, and I huffed, getting a playful nudge from the little girl.

"You were the only girl so far who didn't make fun of me, answer me rudely or give me a cold shoulder when I tried to talk to you, so on my list you are the nicest girl in your house" Hermione said, shrugging her shoulders with a small smile.

"Thanks I guess" Lily said, "And you're not as bad as Malfoy says" she commented playfully.

"That's a relief" Hermione joked too.

'Why do I feel like I'm being ignored?' I wondered.

"Hello everyone," a new voice said, catching my attention and that of all the other students in the room.

The person who spoke was a light brown haired woman who didn't look more than 26 years old.

She had a friendly appearance and a warm smile, giving more of a "trustworthy big sister" feel than a teacher.

"I am Professor Bathsheda Babbling, and I will be your Ancient Runes teacher for this year and the next ones if you decide to continue studying my subject," she said, moving to the front of the class, taking a seat at her large table.

"Now that I've introduced myself, let's start with an introduction to what runes are and what they are for, as well as what rune languages ​​exist" Professor Babbling said, and with a wave of her wand several words magically appeared on the blackboard behind her.

'Looks like I made the right choice in choosing Ancient Runes as one of my electives' I thought, already feeling that I would enjoy the class.

'And I may not be a pervert like Terry and Anthony, but I won't deny that it's nice to have such a young and beautiful teacher teaching me' I thought, and looking to the side I saw that Terry who is also doing Ancient Runes was looking in full concentration at Professor Babbling.

'Pervert' I snorted.


-Wednesday – Trials for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team-

Wednesday started like any other day, only for some people today is a very important day.

Today is the day that the trials for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team would begin, so the other team members and I woke up early and headed to the Quidditch pitch.

Arriving at the Quidditch pitch we organize all the equipment and then wait for the students to show up for the trial.

As Clark had graduated last school year, the team's Seeker position was free, and in addition there was also a vacancy for the Beater position, as Patrick left the team to focus on his studies as he was in the seventh year, his NEWTs year.

But unlike the Seeker vacancy, there was already someone prepared to take the place of the titular Beater. And who will occupy that position now is Miles, who was previously a backup Beater.

Unfortunately the only backup Seeker the team has is me, and I'm already busy being one of the Chasers, and even with me being as good a Seeker as a Chaser, I still think the Chaser position is better and more fun for me.

While I was lost in thought, students began to appear, each holding their own broom.

"Hello everyone, I'm the captain of the Ravenclaw team, Roger Davies" Roger said to all the students in front of him, "You are here to do the tests for the best quidditch team at Hogwarts, so I hope you give all of you" he said with a proud look.

Some students upon hearing this stood up straight and nervous, realizing that not only would they have to pass the tests, they would also have to play very well to honor the Ravenclaw team that was awarded the title of the best team in the school and which is considered by many to be the best team that Ravenclaw has had in three centuries.

"Great way to calm them down Roger" I said rolling my eyes, and Roger looked at me and shrugged.

"They have to get used to the pressure, and it's better that it be here and now than on the day we play an important match," he said, and I couldn't disagree with that argument.

What followed was Roger explaining to everyone about some fundamental Quidditch rules and the roles of each player's position.

He then went on to explain what the balls and equipment were for, and what a Quidditch game was like, and when that was all over he had everyone line up according to the position they intended to play.

And I wasn't surprised to see that most of them went to the line for Seeker.

But of everyone in line, the only person who caught my eye was a relatively pretty Asian girl with long, shiny black hair and a nervous smile on her face.

This is obviously Cho Chang, Cedric's future girlfriend, Harry's secret or not-so-secret crush, and the girl who managed to become the titular Seeker in canon.

'Well, if no one shows great talent, the Seeker position will probably be hers' I thought, and then I looked at the other lines.

'What is he doing here?' I wondered a little surprised, seeing Stephen in line for the Beater test.

When he saw me looking at him, Stephen waved at me.

'Hmm, I didn't know he was going to participate in the trials, and I didn't even know he wanted to be a Beater' I thought, but then I shrugged, 'Well, I hope he does well'

When I finished looking at the students in the pitch, Roger finished explaining how the trials would take place and what criteria we would use to select new players.

"Well, now that you all understand how the trials are going to take place, get ready!" Roger yelled, and immediately the students mounted their brooms.

Roger then blew a whistle and everyone started flying around the pitch on their brooms at high speed.

"So Ethan, let me know if you see anyone that shows talent or catches your eye," Roger said, coming to my side as he looked at the Ravenclaws flying above us.

"Hmm, I'm sure that won't be necessary," I said, smiling.

"Why not?" Roger asked me confused, turning to me.

But the only response he got from me was an amused smile, and while he looked at me strangely I looked at Chang, who flew with grace, unlike those around her.

'So it's not that surprising that she was chosen to be the team's Seeker in canon, she flies better than I expected' I thought.

'Heh... Apparently Harry is going to have some hard times in the next Ravenclaw versus Gryffindor match' I thought in amusement.



(End AN: I just realized that my two best friends are a lot like Ethan's friends... only way weirder, lol.)