Chapter 312

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Weasleys' Tent-

When the night came I separated from Luna who went back to the tent where her father was, as it was almost time for the start of the final match of this Quidditch World Cup.

After saying goodbye to Luna I went back to Sirius' tent, and there I changed into more comfortable clothes. After that, my family, Sirius, Remus and I went to the Weasleys' tent.

Arriving at the Weasleys' tent we saw that they were still getting ready for the game, with the boys painting their faces.

"Hey guys" I said, taking a seat next to Charlie, who was painting his face in tribal style.

"Hey" the Weasley children answered me.

"Here" Charlie said, handing me the bottle of green paint he was using.

"Huh? What's that for?" I asked.

"To paint your face, of course" Fred was the one who replied, and I turned to him, only to see that half of his face was painted green.

"Err... Sorry, but I prefer to keep my face the way it is" I said, "And besides, I just want to watch the match, I'm not rooting for any team"

"Well, you're not fun," Sirius said, with a few red lines in his face to support Bulgaria.

"Shut up you stinking dog" I said.

"Weird brat" Sirius snapped, and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Very creative" I scoffed, and he just shrugged.

"Hmm, I don't know if you noticed, but you're weird Padfoot too" Remus said with an eye roll.

""Padfoot?"" the twins asked at the same time, turning to Remus and Sirius so fast their necks cracked.

"Um... Err..." Remus started to say, confused by the twins' reaction.

And seeing this I blinked for a moment, until I palmed my forehead, drawing everyone's attention.

"Damn, I knew there was something I was forgetting" I grunted, and at the twins' confused looks I decided to explain.

"Well, I know it's a late performance, but Fred and George, meet Padfoot and Moony," I said, gesturing to the two adults with dog issues ahead of us.

"Padfoot..." George started to say.

"And Moony?" and Fred finished for him.

"Err... Why are they looking at us like that?" Sirius asked with a strange look.

"Well, I guess it must be because they're both huge fans of yours," I said with a shrug.

"Fans? Why?" Sirius asked, and Remus looked at the twins for a moment, and knowing them he already had an idea why.

"Because you are our idols, our heroes and our inspiration" Fred said with an admiring and even devout look.

"I never thought I'd meet two of the Marauders.... That's amazing!" George said, and Sirius blinked for a moment, until realization hit him.

"Oh, now I remember. Ethan told me that you two are also pranksters, and quite good from what I've heard," Sirius said, and the twins puffed out their chests in pride.

"Great, now that's going to go to their heads" Ron huffed, and hearing him George turned to him.

He then noticed that none of the golden trio looked surprised to meet two of the Marauders, and he stared at his brother for a few seconds until his eyes widened slightly.

"Wait... Did you know that?!" he asked Ron accusingly.

"Uhum" Ron nodded.

"And why didn't you ever tell us?" Fred asked.

"Well, you didn't tell me about the map" Ron shrugged, and that made Fred open and close his mouth, not knowing how to respond.

"Hmm, if Ethan said you guys are good then you must have some skill" Sirius nodded in reflection.

"They're better than you" I said, playing with my omnioculars, "At least they would give me more problem in our prank war than you"

"Wait, are you guys in a prank war?!" Fred asked excitedly.

"Well, I'd say it's more of a one-sided massacre, but lest Sirius feel bad, then yes, we're in for a prank war" I said, and Sirius looked at me indignantly, but didn't know how to answer since he hadn't yet had managed to play a trick on me.

Hearing my response, Fred and George gaped at us for a moment before turning to each other, coming to terms with just one look.

They then turned back to face us, serious looks on their faces.

""We want to participate too"" they said.

"Wow, calm down guys, this isn't just a game, this is a battle for honor" Sirius said raising his hands.

"Have you ever had honor?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow, but he ignored me.

"Well, we know you're old…" George started to say.

"And it's probably not as good as it was in your youth..." Fred continued.

"But I didn't know you'd be so scared of two sixth years" And with that final nail in the coffin, Sirius's teasing look faded, replaced by a scowl.

"Oh... I get it" he said, "You thought this little mockery would get to me and that with that I would agree to start a prank war with you, right?"

"Well...yes" George said looking at his brother, who shrugged.

"Well then, you got it right!" Sirius then stood up, "You wanted war, and now war is what you're going to get!"

"That's right!" "Now things are going to get fun" the twins cheered.

"Yes, celebrate while you can, because afterwards you will suffer the pain and despair of the Marauders, Padfoot and Moony!" Sirius exclaimed with conviction.

"Wait, who said I was going to be in on this?" Remus asked in surprise.

"You don't have a choice." Sirius nodded as if that were fact.

"That's right old man, we're going to wipe you out!"

"Get ready to come running back with your tail between your legs"

And hearing these declarations from the twins, Remus stopped, feeling a vein pop in his forehead before turning to his old friend.

"Padfoot, we're going to tear these kids apart," he said with a dark look.

"That's how you say it," Sirius said with a smile, patting Remus on the shoulder.

"Well, so does that mean this is going to be a three-way war? Interesting…" I said.

"Wait, aren't you going to join us Ethan?" George asked.

"Yeah, I thought it was going to be the three of us against them because of the... Well, you know... The Three Musketeers" Fred said, whispering the last part, something totally unnecessary since almost everyone knew that this group of pranksters it was us.

"Well, that's true" I started to say, "But if the three of us teamed up then they wouldn't stand a chance against us, and that would be kind of unfair"

And with my answer the two stopped to think for a moment.

"You're right, it would be like an adult Manticore teasing a baby Puffskein" George said scratching his chin.

"Well, then it looks like in that case you're going to be our enemy too" Fred said to me, and I laughed.

"Oh, no no no, you're wrong" I said laughing, before stopping, with a dangerous look coming over my face, "Neither you nor they are my enemies... You all are my prey"

And with that sentence of mine I looked at the four pranksters with the deadly glare of a true predator.

And realizing this, the twins could be heard swallowing hard, with Sirius shuddering as he realized that maybe, just maybe, they had just messed with someone they shouldn't have.

But all that tense moment ended as my mom walked over to me and patted me on the back of the head.

"Stop fooling around you five," she said, looking at us like we were naughty children.

""""Yes ma'am"""", "Yes mom" we replied respectfully, knowing that now the true final boss had appeared.

We then continued to joke and talk for a few minutes, until Mr. Weasley arrived.

"Are you all ready?" he asked adjusting his coat. Seeing that we were all dressed up and ready to go, he nodded in satisfaction, "Well, in that case, let's get going then"

And with that sentence we all left the tent, following the rest of the crowd of fans and Quidditch fanatics as we made our way to the stadium.



(End AN: And here it is! A total of 7 chapters to brighten your day, my dear readers!)