Chapter 363

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


After explaining what the Wand Weighing was, Mr. Ollivander began calling out the names of the champions to check our wands, with Krum being the first to be called and Fleur being the second.

Everything happened normally, with me staring tediously at what was happening in front of me.

The only time I paid attention to the wand weighing was when Mr. Ollivander talked about the core of Fleur's wand, which was a Veela hair.

But that wasn't what caught my attention, because I already knew that information and actually didn't care about it.

In fact, what caught my attention, and even the attention of others in the room, was the exaggerated reaction of the journalist and photographer from the Daily Prophet.

The two, as soon as they heard that Fleur's grandmother was a Veela, gasped in shock, before looking at her with wide eyes.

And Fleur, who felt their gazes, tried to ignore them, but I could feel that she was uncomfortable.

"Ahem," I cleared my throat, catching the attention of the two Daily Prophet employees, and as soon as they saw my cold, narrow gaze they fell silent.

And with a snort of contempt I looked back at Mr. Ollivander, nodding to say he could continue with the wand weighing.

And Fleur who was looking at me nodded with a faint grateful smile.

"Well Miss Delacour, your wand is in perfect condition, and whoever made it did a great job" Mr. Ollivander said, waving the wand and making some beautiful rose petals come out of the tip of it.

And with a satisfied look he handed the wand back to the pretty blonde girl, who took it before nodding respectfully to the wandmaker in front of her.

"Mr. Night, it's your turn" he said after Fleur returned to her seat, and I stood up before going over to him, sitting on the stool in front of him as I took my wand out of its holster.

And I carefully passed my wand to him, and I couldn't deny that handing my wand to someone after spending so much time with it next to me left me with an uncomfortable feeling.

'I guess I'm more possessive of my wand than I expected' I thought, and thanks to my connection to magic and my wand I could tell that it wasn't happy about being held by someone else either.

"Hmm... 11 inches, flexible... Ebony and Blackthorn wood, with the core of a Thunderbird's tail feather," Mr. Ollivander murmured, turning and inspecting the wand, checking every part of it.

And I ignored the feelings of surprise that came from behind me when he revealed that the core of my wand was the tail feather of a Thunderbird, something somewhat surprising, both for its rarity and the rumors that wands made from them were difficult to control.

"Perfectly cared for, and still as stunning as the day I sold it to you," he said, nodding his head with a sense of pride.

And finishing inspecting my wand he waved it lightly, but nothing happened.

Frowning slightly he waved the wand again, only to receive the same result. But he didn't give up, and waving the wand again, on a third try, something finally happened.

From the tip of my wand some sparks of electricity came out, moving in the air in an uncontrolled way, and showing that the lightning could not be controlled, some of these sparks hit Ollivander's hand.

"Ouch... Apparently it continues to have a strong and rebellious temperament" he said, shaking off his sore hand and handing me back my wand, with me wrinkling my nose slightly at the smell of ozone and burning hair that wafted into the air.

"I think it's all about understanding it" I said, shaking my wand and making a beautiful arc of electricity come out of the tip of it, spinning and dancing in a mesmerizing way.

"I see," Ollivander murmured, looking at the arc of electricity thoughtfully.

He then seemed to realize he was getting lost in his thoughts and shook his head, before clearing his throat and turning to the last champion who needed to have his wand checked by him.

"Mr. Potter" he said, with me returning to my seat and passing Harry who stood up, patting him on the shoulder.

Then Harry sat down and handed his wand to Mr. Ollivander, but I wasn't paying attention to it, going back to ignoring the weighing ceremony, looking at my wand and running my finger over it, feeling its familiar shape and feeling- vibrating happily in my hand.

"Hmm, a Thunderbird feather…" Grandma Penny murmured looking at me, and I could feel a slight surprise coming from her.

Blinking at her in confusion I looked back at my wand, until the realization hit me.

"Oh, I never told you two what my wand is made of, did I?" I said.

"Well, I guess we never thought to ask you either," Nick said with a slight amused smile, before speaking quietly so that only the three of us could hear, "I think we were so used to seeing you doing wandless magic that we didn't even remember you had a wand" he joked.

And hearing this I snorted.

But I then realized something, and looked at them with a curious look.

"You know, I never asked you what your wands are made of either," I commented.

"True" Penny muttered, "Actually, I think the last time anyone asked about our wands was 400 years ago."

"Oh, you're talking about that wandmaker from Indonesia, aren't you?" Nick asked her, who nodded, "I remember him. A little too weird and mysterious, but he was kind of cool."

"Did you just call someone weird? You, who is friends with someone like the Headmaster?" I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, and Nick just shrugged.

And the Headmaster who was behind Mr. Ollivander and away from us frowned, feeling a sudden urge to take away some points from Ravenclaw.

"But back to the topic..." Penny said drawing our attention to her, "We can tell you about our wands" she said, before looking around, "But I'd rather not talk about them with so many people around"

"I understand" I nodded, "So how about I stop by your room tonight after dinner?"

And hearing my suggestion, Penny smiled, nodding her head and quickly agreeing.

"That would be great" she said, "And we could also tell you about this trip we took to Indonesia. We saw so many incredible things there"

And seeing her excitement I couldn't help but smile affectionately, with a slight exasperated look.

And Nick too can only shake his head in amusement.

And while we were talking Mr. Ollivander finally finished checking Harry's wand, who had gotten up and was returning to his seat.

But before he could sit down, Bagman took a step forward, drawing everyone's attention again.

"Well, now that the wand weighing is over, let's get to the photos!" he exclaimed, and with that the Daily Prophet photographer stood up.

And with a tired sigh I got up, getting ready to take the photo with the other champions, who like me, weren't excited at all.

And after a quick reorganization of the room, with the chairs being placed close to the wall, the four of us went to the center of the room.

A stool was placed between us, and Fleur sat on it. I stood on her left side, with Harry on her right side and Krum behind Harry and Fleur.

We then looked at the photographer, who set up the camera and was getting ready to take the photo.

I stood there, looking at the camera with a calm look and a proud smile, and even though I didn't mind photos I still knew I had to look good in this particular one, as everyone in the United Kingdom would probably see my face in the newspapers.

And of course, not to mention the rest of the people in the world who must also be interested in the champions of the Tri-Wizard Tournament.

Fleur was also smiling softly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and crossing her legs, placing her hands on her knee.

And this pose only made her more beautiful, and for a moment I could feel the irritation coming from her, being directed at the stunned gaze of the photographer, who stared at her mesmerized for a few seconds.

As for the other two champions, Krum still had the same sullen look on his face, not showing much emotion, but at least he tried to look presentable, puffing out his chest and looking at the camera, or the photographer, defiantly.

And Harry, the poor boy, was just standing there awkwardly, and it didn't take a Legilimence to know that he wanted to be anywhere else instead of here.

And with this strange group of people the photo was taken with a strong flash.

"Perfect! This was an incredible and impactful photo!" Bagman said, "Now I think Mr. Nicholson would like a little interview with you."

And I blinked in confusion, wondering who the hell this Nicholson was, until I realized he was probably talking about the journalist from the Daily Prophet.

And I could accept taking the photo and having my face printed in the Daily Prophet newspapers, but I refused to give an interview to this biased and fraudulent newspaper.

And with that thought I ignored Bagman and started heading for the door.

"Err... Where are you going Mr. Night?" Bagman asked me.

"Oh... Well... I think I forgot my cake in the oven in Gastronomy class" I said, and before he could ask any more I opened the door and left, leaving the other three champions to deal with the journalist and Bagman.

And those who remained in the room looked at the open door with blank or confused looks, with the Headmaster shaking his head helplessly.

And seeing their looks, Penny began to laugh softly, with Nick beside her snorting in amusement.

"Huh? I didn't know Hogwarts had Gastronomy classes" Bagman said, completely surprised and somewhat amazed.

And that was enough to make Nick start laughing too.

