Chapter 449

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


I continued training and teaching the golden trio and Fleur for another hour before deciding to end our first training session, and after reflecting a little on their performance in training I realized that I had a lot to do to transform them into capable fighters.

They weren't bad or mediocre fighters, but as beginners they made a lot of silly mistakes that could have been avoided.

Sometimes they would get too arrogant and cocky and end up making some reckless and risky decisions.

And other times they simply didn't know how to react or what to do in unexpected situations that were out of their control.

And in these two situations, their mistakes could be fatal in a real fight.

But of course, there weren't just negative reviews to say about them.

Overall all four had some skill or attribute that I considered very important to have when it came to fighting.

Ron, even though he was lazy and sloppy, had great stamina and strength, which made him last longer than others in a fight.

Hermione, having read almost all the books in the Hogwarts library, knew many spells, which made her arsenal large and complete. And besides, her brilliant mind allowed her to quickly analyze a situation and then create an improvised plan for it.

Harry might not know as many spells as Hermione or have as high stamina as Ron, but among the four teenagers, and I think even among all the students in the school except me, he was the one with the best combat and survival instincts.

And it wouldn't be wrong to say that he was a prodigy in combat, especially when it came to fighting the dark arts.

And for a few moments I even thought that this could be the piece of Voldemort's soul in his scar influencing him, but then I realized that he was actually talented.

But getting back to the subject, let's talk about the last person, which is Fleur.

And as I said before, she was talented and had incredible agility and flexibility, and because she was the oldest and had the most experience in combat, she was also the most complete fighter among the four.

Being a Veela, Fleur had high resistance and speed, and she was also very intelligent, and being in her last year at school she had already learned many spells.

And besides that, her combat instinct was also excellent thanks to the dueling lessons she had already taken.

And all of this made Fleur a spectacular fighter, and to truly be considered a professional she just needed to polish her skills and experience more combat situations.

But after analyzing Fleur and the golden trio closely, I realized something very interesting.

I had said that Fleur was the most complete fighter among them, but if the golden trio fought together they would be a force that even experienced wizards and witches would have difficulty facing.

And this wasn't just because of the difference in numbers.

When they were together I could feel a synchronicity coming from them, and with each other's skills and capabilities they could complete each other in combat if they worked together.

Hermione, unsurprisingly, was the mind, Ron was the body, and Harry, ironically, was the soul.

And after realizing this I understood that, in addition to training them individually, I should also start training them to work together as a team.

And well, those were all the conclusions I could draw after analyzing their first training session.

And now that I had a basic idea of ​​what I needed to teach them all, I started preparing for the next training sessions.

And I was sure that by the end of all this training they would become a force to be reckoned with.


-Next Day – Saturday-

It was the weekend, and Nick's Alchemy and Penny's Enchantments and Wards morining classes had just ended, and now all the students from the three schools were heading to the Great Hall for lunch.

However, unlike these students, I didn't go to the Great Hall because I still had something to talk about with my immortal grandparents, and after telling Nick and Penny that I wanted to talk to them alone, the three of us went to Nick's office.

And now we were in Nick's office sitting around a table full of dishes that the house elves brought us, and while the 600 year old French couple ate I started telling them why I wanted to talk to them.

And the reason I wanted to talk to them so much was to ask for their help in dealing with the Basilisk corpse that I had kept in my suitcase, and after a few minutes I finally finished explaining everything to them, telling them how I got the Basilisk's corpse, and what I needed their help for.

"So let me get this straight…" Nick started to say as soon as I finished my story, stopping eating as he rested his elbows on the table and crossed his hands in front of his face, "Do you have the corpse of a 50-foot basilisk that's over a thousand years old in your suitcase? And you killed it yourself in Salazar Slytherin's infamous and mysterious Chamber of Secrets when you were 12?" he asked.

"Uh-huh," I nodded.

"And you want our help deciding what to do with the Basilisk's remains?" he continued to question me.

"Well, actually I already know what I'm going to do with the Basilisk's skin, but the bones, blood and organs are something that I have no idea what I can do or how it can be used" I replied, and I glanced at Penny only to see that she had also stopped eating and was staring at me silently.

"Hmm, I see," Nick nodded, looking strangely calm.

'They're taking this better than I expected' I thought, looking at them with a raised eyebrow, 'I think they've seen a lot of amazing things in all the time they've been alive, and now they probably won't be surprised by anything else'

"But well," Nick spoke again, taking me out of my thoughts, "Before we start our brainstorming to think of how to use or what to do with the Basilisk's remains, I have to say something..."

And saying that, Nick turned to me, looked deep into my eyes, and took a deep breath.

"What the fuck Ethan?!" he exclaimed almost in a scream, making me jump in my seat, startled by his sudden curse, "How the hell did you kill a giant, deadly basilisk!? At 12 years old no less!! And how did you manage to find the Chamber of Secrets if no one has found this damn place in the thousand years the castle has been standing!? And why did you only tell us about it now!?"

"Err... Well, I..." I tried to answer his questions, but I was still a little surprised and shaken by his sudden change in emotions.

"Ethan darling" Penny called me as she put her hand on my shoulder, making me turn my attention away from Nick and look at her, "Why did you, who were a child, have to put yourself in danger facing a bloodthirsty and deadly creature? Where were the adults back then?" she asked me, a dangerous smile on her face.

"Uh... They were busy?" I responded carefully.

"Oh, so they were busy," she repeated, and her smile turned murderous as she squeezed my shoulder, and if my body wasn't strong and resilient she would have dislocated my shoulder for sure.

'Apparently it looks like I was wrong... They might still be surprised' I thought as I sweated.

And looking at both my grandparents I could see that Nick was still freaking out trying to assimilate the things I had told them, while Penny looked ready to march up to the teachers and the Headmaster to dissect them for letting her precious grandson be in danger.

And then I realized that we were getting off topic, so I cleared my throat to try and get their attention.

"Ahem, how about we refocus on the fact that I have a dead basilisk in my suitcase and I don't know what to do with its remains?" I said.

"Huh? But you didn't even answer my questions!" Nick complained, but I just ignored him and turned to Penny, which made his right eye twitch.

"You're both Alchemists and Potions masters, so you should know if we can use some part of the Basilisk as an ingredient or something, right?" I asked her.

"Well, I can think of a few things that Basilisk blood and bones could be useful for," Penny began, tapping her chin as she thought, "But as for organs, I still don't know what to make of them, since it's such a rare material," she said.

"Hmm, I see," I nodded, frowning.

"Ahem, I actually know someone who will be able to help us better with that," Nick said, joining the conversation.

"Really?" I looked at him in surprise.

"Yes" he nodded, "And luckily for us, Penny and I already contacted him last summer before we came to Hogwarts."

And when he said that I turned to Penny with a raised eyebrow, seeing my grandmother tilt her head to the side in confusion.

But it didn't take long for Penny to understand who Nick was talking about, and then her eyes widened slightly in realization.

"Oh yes, that's true" She said while nodding.

"Huh? Who are you guys talking about?" I asked with a curious look.

"We're talking about a friend of ours… But don't worry, he's trustworthy and very experienced, so I'm sure he'll be able to help us," Nick replied.

"Okay, but what's his name?" I kept asking, wanting to know who this trusted friend of theirs was.

"Well, that's a secret for now" Nick said with an enigmatic smile on his face, "But you'll find out who he is during the summer holidays this year, so just wait a little longer"

And hearing that I clicked my tongue, knowing that Nick wouldn't reveal anything to me now that he'd gone into mysterious and enigmatic mode.

'Damn old men with their mysteries and secrets' I cursed mentally, feeling Nick and Penny's amusement at my frustrated look.

'And who the hell is this friend?' I asked myself.

