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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!
I was still staring blankly at the mirrors floating above the maze, wondering why these reflective objects were here.
But luckily I didn't have to think about it too much, as Bagman decided to answer my unspoken question.
"Some of you might be wondering what those mirrors floating above the maze are, right?" he began, gesturing to the objects in question and drawing everyone's attention to them.
"Well, these mirrors are actually two-way mirrors, and for those who don't know, two-way mirrors are enchanted magical items that are usually found in pairs, and they allow one person to communicate with another through images and sounds, no matter the distance or location, as long as each of them has one of the mirrors in the set."
"And that's the basic description of a normal two-way mirror, but the mirrors you're looking at have actually been modified and improved, and now they all connect to these big mirrors here," and with that Bagman took out his wand and pointed it upwards.
And then, under the surprised gaze of many people, four mirrors approximately 10 meters high and 17 meters wide suddenly appeared in the sky, floating high above the maze in the middle of the Quidditch pitch.
These four mirrors then spread out in the four directions: east, west, south and north, before stopping a few meters away from the stands, facing the audience.
'Huh... I don't remember that happening in canon' I thought, staring dazedly at the giant mirrors.
"We received some criticism about how bad it was that you couldn't see what was happening at the black lake during the second task," Bagman began speaking again, pulling me out of my thoughts, "And because of that, we, the tournament organizers, started working on a way to solve this problem so that you could watch the third and final task in the best way possible."
"And let me tell you, finding a solution to this problem was a very difficult 'task'," Bagman joked, receiving a few laughs and snorts from the people in the stands at his pun.
"But luckily for us someone came up with a brilliant idea, and that idea was to use the two-way mirrors to broadcast to all of you what would be happening in the task inside the maze."
"And in addition to suggesting this idea, this person was also the one who, so generously, decided to sponsor us with these new and improved two-way mirrors, designed and created by himself"
"And so I would like to ask for a round of applause for the one who made all this possible, Lord Sirius Black!" and as he finished this sentence, Bagman pointed to the main stand, where the most important people were.
And in the middle of all these people was Sirius, sitting with his family and my family. And when he saw people applauding and thanking him, he got up from his seat and started nodding politely at them.
And after a few seconds of nodding to people, Sirius sat back down.
"I didn't know you were involved in preparing this task," my dad said, raising an eyebrow at Sirius as he sat down.
"Well, after you and Sarah made a point of highlighting the stupidity of the tournament organizers in preparing the second task to those watching, I realized that something had to be done so that the third task wouldn't be equally disappointing, so I decided to help them" Sirius said with a shrug, answering my dad's unspoken question.
And he didn't want to comment on the fact that the two actually called not only the tournament organizers stupid, but also most wizards in Britain.
'Not that they're wrong in saying that' he thought with a wry smile.
"What Sirius isn't saying is that this whole thing was actually his idea," Remus began, joining the conversation as he rested his hand on Sirius' shoulder, "If he hadn't stepped in and used his influence as Lord of House Black to make this change to the tournament, the tournament organizers wouldn't have done anything."
"Wait a minute," my mom raised her hand in a stop gesture, looking at the two with a frown, "So you mean that if Sirius hadn't talked to the tournament organizers, and hadn't helped them, we would have had to stare at the walls of the maze without knowing what was going on inside?" she asked.
"Well... Yes" Remus nodded.
"Unbelievable," my mom shook her head, "If they had no intention of doing anything about it, why did they continue with the idea of doing the third task challenge in a maze with giant walls? Are they stupid?"
"Well... Yes" Remus nodded again, which made my mom groan in exasperation.
"You know, I'm starting to think it was a terrible choice to leave the organization of the tournament to these wizards... They are obviously incapable of overseeing and running an event of this kind," my dad said.
"Well, you won't see anyone here disagreeing with that," Andy snorted dismissively, receiving nods of agreement from the others in the group.
And they all didn't notice or pretended not to care about the frowning looks they were getting from some people a few seats away from them.
And these people were precisely some of the 'stupid' wizards and witches they were criticizing and mocking.
And these wizards, even listening to everything that was being said about them, just decided to remain quiet without saying or doing anything, because they knew that arguing with Sirius or his friends would be a bad decision, since it could invoke the wrath of Lord Black.
But luckily for these wizards they no longer had to listen to the mockery of my family and Sirius' group, as Bagman began to spoke again, drawing everyone's attention to him.
"But well," the Bagman began to say as soon as the people in the stands calmed down, "Now that the explanation about the mirrors and the thanks to Lord Black are out of the way, let's get back to focusing on the task, which is what everyone here are eagerly waiting to see."
And after saying that, Bagman began to explain what the third task would be like, talking about its rules and what the champions should do.
"As you may have noticed, the third task will take place in the hedge maze behind me, and within this maze, the champions will have to face several challenges, such as dangerous magical creatures, traps, horrible weather, and even the maze itself."
"The goal of the champions in this task will be to overcome all the challenges and dangers of the maze and then reach the end of it, where the tournament cup will be waiting for them"
"And for a champion to win the task he or she will have to be the first to touch the cup, and once that happens the task and the tournament will come to an end, and that champion and his or her school will then become the winners of the 94/95 Tri-Wizard Tournament!"
And the end of that sentence was the signal everyone was waiting for to start cheering, with most people applauding and shouting the name of their favorite schools and champions.
"Yeah, I know, everyone is excited to see who will be the winning school and champion," Bagman said, causing the cheering of the people in the stands to die down.
"But well, back to the task... The champions will enter the maze one at a time according to their total score received in the last two tasks, and after each champion enters the maze he or she will have a 2 minute head start before the next champion can enter as well."
"And for those who don't remember, this is the current score of the champions: With 95 points in first place is Mr. Night, in second place with 85 points is Mr. Potter, in third place with 80 points is Miss Delacour, and in fourth place with 74 points is Mr. Krum."
"The first champion to enter the maze will obviously be the one with the highest score, followed by the second place, then the third, and finally the fourth"
And after finishing his explanation, Bagman turned to the four of us, "Now, I would like to ask our champions to come forward and position themselves in front of the starting line." He gestured for us to take a few steps forward.
And following his instructions, Krum, Harry, Fleur, and I went to the area where the starting line was marked, stopping next to each other.
"Good, now when the whistle blows the Hogwarts champion, Ethan Night, will be able to enter the maze, thus beginning the third and final task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament," Bagman said, before looking at me, "Are you ready?" He asked.
"Yes," I replied with a nod, before looking at the entrance to the maze in front of me with a focused and serious gaze.
And seeing this Bagman nodded, "Okay, then I'll start the countdown" he said, bringing the whistle close to his mouth before starting to count.
'Okay Ethan, now is the decisive moment' I took a deep breath as I assumed a running stance.
'You know what's going to happen and you know what you have to do' I felt my magic strengthening and energizing every fiber and muscle in my body.
'You just need to focus on protecting Harry, beating up some Death Eaters, and getting out of that graveyard alive.'
'And remember, you have to look cool while doing all this' I smiled mischievously.
"GO!" *Whistle!*