Life of a Dominant Futanari Week 3 Chapter 90/22: Morning Clean up

I felt a ring in the room, and I lightly moaned as I felt my cock get squeezed. The damp wetness around my cock was pleasurable, and I smiled as I opened my eyes. Crystal breathed while she lay atop me; her lips were not even an inch away from mine. We shared even the air we breathed and how close our faces were. I looked at her cute face and smiled and pecked her lips. On the other hand, I reached out to my phone, which was still buzzing and ringing with the sound of my alarm.

I quickly found out it was out of reach and brought both hands back. I quickly found Crystal's lovely ass, and I lifted her ass off my cock. Inch after inch slowly left her pussy, and her walls tightened as I pulled her ass up into the air. Crystal lightly moaned as my cock left her pussy and nestled up to my neck, moving. Her eyes then fluttered open as my alarm continued, "Oh," Crystal said sleepily, "You need to get ready," Crystal continued sounding a little disappointed. I couldn't blame her, though, since I would love to stick around and continue to wake her with a nice morning play.

"Sorry, Minx," I apologized, cupping her cheek and kissing her lips, "Still a high school student, though."

"I keep forgetting sometimes." Crystal admitted and moved off of me. "I would like to wake up with you inside me more," Crystal said, and I felt my cock throb in agreement.

I paused for a moment after those words before I reached over to the nightstand that I didn't remember at some point in the night. I plugged in there. I turned off the alarm, and I turned to look at the sleepy woman beside me, pouting a little. I smirked. "I would like to wake up inside of you more often, too," I told her before sitting up.

I turned and grabbed my phone, looking at the time, and I winced looking at it. "I wish I didn't set my alarm clock so late either," I said as I stood getting over to the shower, "That way, we could have some fun in the shower before I go to school."

"Why can't you?" My little Minx asked.

"I set my alarm later since I have that meeting this afternoon with Paul," I replied as I got to her shower. I felt some stickiness from the night that was probably dried fluids from the amount of intercourse we had the night before. "I think I will also be seeing Cumdump or Becky, and I will probably ask her what was that on Tuesday with her avoiding slightly."

"Hmm, I noticed that," Crystal said, "But we both know you need the sleep since we were up late last night." Crystal changed the subject a little, and I saw the smile on her face as I turned the corner.

I turned on the shower and took a moment to look at her, "You're right; I enjoyed every moment of our late night. Got any heavy flow stuff up here?" I said, changing the subject again.

"Have some when I went grocery shopping yesterday. I grabbed some for you since mine was almost out anyway," Crystal replied, "Need Company?" She asked as I went to go grab her product, and I paused, grabbing a clean one.

I looked at her and showed her a crooked smile, "I would love to but don't have the time," I said with genuine regret, "I have a sissy to still put in place this morning. He is coming along, but I think I need to do something stronger against him soon. Although he hasn't done anything explicitly wrong in order to deserve me doing as such," I told her, and I heard Crystal humming a little on the bed.

I grabbed the pack of tampons and moved towards the toilet to change while I heard her soft hum continue. I took my time and was glad I took some of my pills last night before I had fun with Crystal. I didn't wake up with cramps this morning, which was always good news at this time of the month. I sighed as I finished and saw steam rolling out of Crystal's shower stall.

I got up and saw Crystal coming into the bathroom, looking a little awake now. "I think I am going to join my girlfriend in the shower. I will help you wash," Crystal said with a sultry smile.

I looked at the naughty Minx and opened the shower inviting her in before me. Crystal smiled as she stepped in, and I saw her amazing ass step into the shower. I couldn't help but smile as I entered, looking at her ass as the water fell on it. As I reached out to grab the bottle of body wash, Crystal reached it first and began to take soap in her hand. "Mistress, let me please."

I somehow felt my smile broaden as I looked at her, and I nodded. Crystal didn't need anymore and began to use her hands to touch every part of my body. She was neither quick nor slow as suds from the soap were built up and washed away as Crystal moved her hands all over my body. She played with my breasts and moved down my abs. Each part of me she made sure she thoroughly touched and cleaned. Crystal continued to take out more soap as she moved down to my legs and when squatted as the water hit my breasts.

I felt her hands all over my legs and down to my feet that I lifted for her. Crystal took that moment and quickly washed my feet. I bit my lip as she touched the bottom of my feet. I suppressed the ticklish sensation that bombarded me as she finished washing my foot. She moved over to my other foot, and I winced as I felt her fingers go in between my toes. I suppressed the sensation and barely kept my cool as she worked back up my legs again.

Crystal made her way back up to my thighs, and my cock was already hard at this point. I couldn't help; her touches all over my body made me want to fill her again. Crystal looked up and blinked as the water hit her face. But I knew what that smile was, and her hands became naughty.

I felt her hand start to wash my balls as her mouth opened, and she took the head of my cock in her mouth. I felt her tongue on the head of my cock swirl slowly around the head, not missing an inch of me. Her other hand was much naughtier, though, as she washed around my pussy. I moaned as I felt her fingers move around the lips of my pussy and play with the edges of my vagina. Her naughtiness stopped her from playing with my clit or penetrating me.

Meanwhile, her head moved to take more of my cock in her throat. She made long strokes down and took me deep inside her throat. Crystal was no longer going slow, and although the hand touching my pussy seemed to be moving a little, I wasn't paying attention anymore as I felt her practiced movements along with my cock. Her hand played my balls, bringing a pleasure that, with her fast movement along the shaft of my cock made me moan louder. It was a direct assault on my brain as I blanked out.

Then suddenly, I felt fingers spreading something inside my pussy, and I moaned at the sudden intrusion. I moaned even louder as I looked down and saw her naughty expression as she took me deeper into her throat. I felt slightly angry as she played with my clit, but she didn't stay long as her fingers pushed into my pussy, lightly spreading something around before pulling out.

My cock was quickly reaching the edge with the extra stimulation. Crystal took advantage of my throbbing cock, increased her pace somehow further, and took me even deeper. I reached my peak quickly as the suction of her mouth increased. I felt myself reach the edge and release into her mouth with the extra pleasure from my pussy. I felt my cum move into her quickly like a stream.

Crystal's mouth sucked it all in, depositing it into her stomach with glee. I leaned my head back and took in the pleasure as her hand continued to massage my throbbing balls as I released rope after rope into her.

Moments later, I heard Crystal sigh with pleasure as she stood with some semen getting washed by the water as she stood. I looked at her with my expression straining to look thunderous after an orgasm. Crystal moved around me and began to wash my back without a word more. I felt her hands all over my back, and I decided to say something.

"You know I don't like that you were playing with my pussy," I said, annoyed in my tone despite post-orgasm bliss.

Crystal wrapped her arms around me, her hands under my breasts as she lifted them up. "Mistress, I was just cleaning," Crystal pouted, "I used that," Crystal said, pointing down at the shower floor, and I looked down at it. It was a tube of feminine product for my pussy, and I felt my cheeks heat slightly.

"Fine," I replied, but I looked turned my head slightly to her, "Next time, not while you play with my cock."

"Okay~!" Crystal replied and squeezed my breasts a little. "Want me to wash your hair, Mistress?" she asked a second later.

"No, My hair should be fine. I plan to walk to wash it after volleyball practice." I replied, and I felt her hands leave my breasts.

"Okay, That is fine," Crystal said a moment later as I reached out to turn off the shower.

"You going to shower?" I asked her.

"Nah, I will go back to sleep a little longer." Crystal replied, "I have some work to finish up today," Crystal continued as I turned off the shower from her response. "You coming back here tonight?" Crystal asked.

"I think so unless Samantha calls with an emergency call. I did tell her I would say yes on Thursdays for a premium," I replied as I moved to leave the shower. Crystal followed after me as I got out. "Feels weird," I suddenly said as I thought about the premium.

"What does?" Crystal asked.

"That twenty fucking seven thousand dollars is without what I just called a Premium," I said, turning to her, and Crystal nodded with a giggle.

"I guess your right on that," Crystal said as she moved to the towel rack and tossed me a towel. "Hey, If you want, Bring one of your toys back tonight, and we can have some more fun. Or if you are not up to it, just come, and we can spend some time together."

"Hmm," I said while in thought as I took the towel and dried myself off. "Sure, I think Strawberry would love to come home with me," I said in thought, "Although I don't know how she will react to my wonderful Girlfriend," I said as I finished drying myself off.

"Oh?" Crystal said, looking at me, "She doesn't know about me?" Crystal asked.

"Nope, I told her," I replied, looking around for a moment. I found my sexy clothing from last night on the side of the bed. I smiled in the memory of Crystal taking off my stocking with her teeth as the night went on. I looked around before remembering I had left my clothes in my school bag. "Ah, I Remembered; my clothes are downstairs," I said suddenly, even as I felt like I had forgotten something else.

"Go grab em,' but remember my wonderful Mistress," Crystal said, her voice serious. I turned to her to see her expression as she continued, "I like playing with others with you. But I like that I am your girlfriend and number one,"

I looked at her, surprised, and asked, "I don't mean to be rude with this, But are you jealous?"

"Not that I am jealous," Crystal said, and I moved over to her as she sat on the bed. "I am staking my claim on you!" Crystal exclaimed with a smile.

I reached her quickly, leaning down and kissing her. I tasted a bit of my cum in her breath, but that didn't matter. I locked my lips with my little Minx and took my time. When I broke the kiss, I smiled, "You are my number one," I told her, grabbing my phone, turning around, and walking to leave the bedroom, "My little Minx," I finished, and I turned to see her smiling as I left the room.

I felt happy as I moved down the stairs. It was just something that made me happy with my conversation with Crystal. I didn't exactly know what in the conversation I liked so much, but I really liked the conversation. I smiled as I reached the bag, picked it up from her front door, and took it to the kitchen. I grabbed the lunch I made last night and put it on the table. I reached in my backpack and took out my school clothes. Although I wanted to be running to school, I didn't want to bring back my cramps.

I got in the workout clothes that I had ready, and I sat down for the lunch that was now my breakfast. I dug into it, and I took my time to enjoy it. As my stomach filled, I smiled, and I finished eating in a short time. I got up quickly and made sure to pack up while I got ready to play. I looked at my phone as I headed to my shoes.

I saw that I was running a little later than I thought. I sighed as I made it to my shoes, thinking about what I would do this morning to the sissy. Jake training was something I was never sure how it was going.

I opened the door while deep in thought, and I closed it behind me and headed out through the gate. I began to jog down the street while deep in thought. My jogging was light, and my mind was on Jake. I felt like it was taking longer, and I needed to review his videos that I had half a dozen files on it. There was no way I was going to allow him to skip out on those masturbation sessions I ordered.

I made it to school quickly with a light jog and reached the front doors faster than I had expected. I headed down the hallways with my mind still questioning how to move forward with Jake. I thought I could use more out-of-school time with Jake as I reached the doors. If I took some extra time with him, I could start working on his cross-dressing being more than just panties and a bra.

I could also do more things to him outside the school for more extended periods. I sighed, and I pushed open the door. I saw Jake as I entered, and he saw me as I entered. I looked at him, and he seemed to be somewhat submissive today.

"Um, Mistress," Jake said, rubbing his hands together and looking at me with a slight blush. It was a humiliated blush of shame, "C-can I get a different buttplug? I would at least like to go to the bathroom when I need to, Mistress."

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Not today," I said without mercy. "Inspection time," I continued and stepped up to him.

I could see his anger as he opened up the buttoned-up white shirt and showed the red bra underneath. I wondered what would happen if I wet his shirt at some point today while he had the cute little bra on. I smirked with that thought as he took off the uniformed pants that he wore. Red g string panties barely covered his caged cock. I smirked, reaching down, and I took the cage in hand. "Still nice and locked up like a good little sissy." I mocked him.

He blushed even more deeply with my mocking, and I could see the humiliation. "You know," I said, my tone light as I thought about it, "We could make this more permanent with a nice little cock ring that can be a little extra lock for this useless cock."

"Please, no," Jake said, his expression a mix of humiliation and discontent. "Please, don't, Mistress. I already feel my girlfriend being shorter with me lately."

"Oh, Jake's main piece looking to get with someone that's not a sissy?" I asked him.

I could see the rebuke on his face, and I circled my finger. "Turn around and show my plug deep in your sissy ass," I ordered with a grin.

"I am not a Sissy!" Jake rebuked, and I let my expression darken as I looked at him.

"We just went over this," I said, my tone oddly flat.

Jake stepped back, looking at me, and I watched him stepping back. The back of his legs hit the bench as he stepped back, almost making him fall on his ass. He remained standing, though, as I watched him.

I watched him without a word, and I slowly felt a smile cross my face. "You're not a sissy?" I asked him, "Let's forget the fact that I don't need to touch your dick to make you cum all over yourself. Or the fact that you cum while playing with your ass every night. Or the fact that you wear panties and a bra to school every day. No, those don't make you a sissy little slut." As each sentence hit, he blushed deeper, letting me know he did feel shame for those things.

"You force me to do those things!" He countered correctly.

"I make you feel so much pleasure with my cock that you cum all over yourself? I can force that?" I asked him bluntly without moving.

Jake opened his mouth, and I could see him wanting to say something. Instead, he just looked at me with his mouth open. I then realized with Crystal's work this morning, I could go without sissy's ass this morning. "Fine, You don't want to be unlocked; this weekend, it seems. But you have tomorrow too to make up for things. I have better things to be doing, though, than listening to your denials. If you want to be unlocked tomorrow, come with a better attitude, sissy."

The sudden change made his eyes widen, and I pulled out my phone. I noticed the app saying it was inside but unlocked. I pressed the button, and I heard a groan from Jake. I turned and left without another word leaving him in the teacher's locker room.

I walked towards my classroom instead. I felt my frown deepen. I needed to punish the sissy for this soon. I needed more than just blasting his ass with my cock, pleasuring us both. No, This time, I needed to punish him, and my look was dark as I headed down the hallway to class.

It was time to start planning a punishment for the sissy who thought he could start negotiating.


Hey Everyone,


Just as an announcement, I have come out with an AUDIOBOOK, not for this book yet unfortunately but for one of my short stories. It is Called A Damaged Innocent Futanari Book 1 

If you are looking to read into everything about it, I have a Patreon post where you can read more into it. Here.


Also I have a new Short Story that is out! It is Called Ascension of a Hot wife, Book 1: Discovery.

Sally is a Driven Married woman with an Ambition to reach the top of her field one day as an Engineer. She has just been promoted to run the Planning department of her company, and she is finally seeing the light after being in a male-dominated company. Her life is looking up until she comes home and learns a secret her husband has been keeping from her.

Will they be able to get over this hurdle in their relationship, and will the relationship ever be the same afterward, or will it be for the better? Read and enjoy this Kinky Story.

Link here if you want to check it out!