Beautiful girl at a friend's house

" Yes, look at us. We have painted, cleaned, mopped, and soon will be finished ",

" Miss, what room do you want to decorate? ",

" Light blue paint on the ceiling and white. I do not know up to you who most importantly the best and if it is bad I will not give a bonus ",

" Any bonus? ",

" Em, five hundred thousand for all ",

" Well, well we will try our best ",

" Yes! Good then "I sat back down on the sofa and keep waiting. A few minutes later they came and said "Miss, we are finished. Please see the results of our work!",

I walked to observe the results of their work, I was surprised and amazed at the results of their work. They managed to turn this room into a very beautiful one, I gave them their wages and as promised to give them a bonus of five hundred thousand rupiah for all.

"Thank you miss" they said,

"Call me An"

"Thank you An",

"You're welcome, you guys will want it if I ask for help again?",

"Yes of course, just call us!",

They left. and I put the clothes in the wardrobe. Lie on a soft mattress and fall asleep. While Lisa was cooking, she was a little careless and the kitchen was getting really dirty. But she kept trying to be her best, cleaning the kitchen again.

At 04 PM, Felix came and saw the door to the room was open. He saw who was in it, to Felix's knowledge that the room was a warehouse. Felix was shocked when he saw a girl sleeping soundly on a soft mattress. Lisa who saw her sister come said "She will stay with us, she is the son of the big boss. Her name is Anita and called An",

"Why did you bring her here?",

"She will live with us!",

"Huh, why?",

"Because it's your job now! The boss wants you to take care of him for a while until he calls you back",

"Yes as long as she doesn't bother me",

"She will also go to school here",

"At my school too?",

"No, she hasn't decided yet. where is the school ",

" Huh, it would be better if I forbid her from school with me first. I don't want to be bothered! ",

" Yes, you understand, she won't bother you. How is your school? Are you fighting again? ',

"No. sis, I went to school today. I have a lot of tasks, I want to go to the room first ",

" Yes, you have also prepared food for you and An. At the dining table ",

" Yes, thank you ", Felix went to his room which is next to An's room.

Changed clothes then went to the dining room, saw that quite a lot of food was being served unusual.

" Huh, really changed. She worked hard. , I hope the kid doesn't have a problem, "muttered Felix. Felix started eating alone, but not long after, Lisa came with An.

The existence of An.

Lisa and I went into the dining room, and saw Lisa's sister eating heartily. Lisa and I sat down and started eating. I watched those who ate. This is unusual for me. Moving to this city is as if I was far away from my family even though I had been here, to this city.

Finished eating, Lisa says "An, dad asked me to send you to school so you hang out with peers you. So set your choice?"

"Em, Felix School where?",

Felix stop eating just because it heard the saying that,

"I asked, in order to determine the right school! "I said continued,

" She went to High School One "answered Lisa,

" I'm going to school in HS5 (High School Five) ",

Felix, who heard about it, continued eating again.

"I'll take you tomorrow to school, and I'll prepare you today. How?",

"Good, I hope everything is complete",

"Fine, Miss An",

"Call me as An",

"Fine, An",

"I'll go around for a while no problem right?",

"Yes, I hope to be careful and not come home at night",

"Em, of course".

In the afternoon, I walk alone. Yes, what can I do. On foot! Like it or not, because this is my chance to go out instead of at home. First things are fine, safe and cool. But after being far from home, and the road was deserted, suddenly several motorbikes were speeding up, apparently chasing a motorcyclist in front. I saw that, I considered it normal because I often did that in the afternoon with my brother. It can be annoying sometimes to lose the race and it's fun to win. But that has changed now and in this city.

Suddenly a man was driving the motorbike at high speed. This man is named Kaori. Kaori is being chased all over by Kim and his friends. This time it looks like they won't let Kaori go. They really want to finish off the kid. Suddenly Kaori's motorbike slipped and Kim fell. Then he suddenly fainted, Kim and his friends saw it just let it go. They left without helping or feeling guilty. Kaori was lying alone in the middle of the road. Yes the street is quiet now without people passing by.

The existence of An.

My eyes were fixed on the sight of someone lying on the deserted street. Yeah I thought that person was the one I had previously seen racing with some of his friends. I approached the person who turned out to be a man. Yeah I thought I should leave her alone before anyone came and said I was the culprit. But I felt sorry for him, until I finally pushed him under the shady tree. Then pulled over the motorbike. Indeed he is very heavy but it doesn't matter to me. After a few minutes of waiting, Mr. He was also unconscious. Uh, I just remembered I haven't taken off the helmet he was wearing. I immediately took off his helmet. Seeing himself who was not conscious as well, then waited a few more minutes.