The dearest part is removed 2

"Please ... please .." shouted Mosa, spontaneously one of them attacked Mosa with a knife but I blocked him until the knife hit my arm. Blood quickly flowed out, I endured the pain and held my left arm.

On the other side of the incident, a woman heard the scream. He saw the incident immediately ran to the city park for help. The woman stopped in the parking lot where Felix and friends were there.

Hastily he said, "Please, help there is a woman in the robber over there. Help!",

"Where?" Asked Felix in shock, Felix's friends who heard immediately stopped talking and approached the woman. Then the woman pointed out the scene.



The left arm was injured, then the man in front of me did not stop his attack as soon as he injured me he attacked again. But this time I won't let him hurt me easily. I fought the man who attacked me, I dropped the knife in his hand and immobilized him. His friends who saw his friend fell immediately got off the motorbike and attacked us. But when they attacked together, their steps were stopped because Felix and his friends came to help us. Those who attacked fled on their motorbikes.

"Are you all right?" Asked Felix

"An, you're hurt. I'm sorry, if only I didn't scream you wouldn't get hurt. I'm sorry, we're going to the hospital to treat your wounds" said Mosa worried

"Nothing, have a broom. hand? I do not want this blood continues to flow, besides the knife is not toxic. Tomorrow will be better ", I replied with a smile"But you are hurt "said Mosa while providing a handkerchief

I took the handkerchief and bandaged my wounds," Let's go home, yes? the day It's late. Don't worry too much about me, I'm fine ".

"But ..."

"Never mind, Felix and friends thank you for coming and helping us",

"No problem, after all what we did was not there"

"Can you go home with your arm injured, An?" Asked Fena

"No, but I will try to do that ",

" Let me help you, An. I'm afraid if Lisa is angry. My friends bring my motorbike, OK? "said Felix, giving his friend the motorbike key.

"Let's go home! Mosa, you don't have to worry about everything's fine," I smiled.

"Yes ..."

Then we went home, I was hitched by Felix. We all parted ways at a crossroads.


Felix stopped the motorbike in the yard, I got off and went straight into the house. Lisa, who saw An injured immediately followed An to An's room. I took the first aid kit. Then walk into the living room. Sit on the sofa, remove the handkerchief bandage and clean the wound with a tissue.

"What happened? Why are you hurt? Is it because of you, Felix?" Asked Lisa

"No, I didn't do anything to her" Felix replied while sitting on the sofa.

"Let me help you, An?" Said Lisa, helping me to bandage the wound.

After finishing the bandage, Lisa sat next to me. "What happened? Huh, how do I explain it to Uncle Chan later?"

"What? What do you mean? Uncle Chan!"

"Yes, I mean, I know your uncle. Your uncle really loves you. If he knew, of course he would be very worried about you and then angry with me" said Lisa

"Hah, I was careless. My uncle will not be angry with you, Lisa" I said casually. got up and entered the room.

Lisa, who saw An leave, then looked at her sister. "What has happened?",

"On the way, when An and his friends came home they were beggars. An tried to protect Mosa. As a result An was hit by a knife in the left arm"

"Hah, geez"


* An's room

A message Incoming chat from two of my best friends.

Mosa, "You got home?",

Me, "Yes",

Fena, "We're worried about you",

"Never mind, I'm fine. How about my cellphone?"

"It's almost settled but I'm not so sure I'll tell you this",

"Is there a problem?"

"No, it's just",


"Later after school to my house, yes, we'll talk",


Then the communication was cut off, I turned the cellphone and pressed the secret button. The hologram screen appears. I sent a message to Team Orchid. "Orchid, I want to make sure everything is okay there without me. I want you guys to clean up the people who are trying to destroy my family. Have a target?

Gather evidence to clean them", Reply from the Orchid team, "Yes, Orchid. We are ready to move". After that, turn off the hologram screen, and the cellphone returns to normal.

Morning, on a clear day. When I arrived at school, my best friend greeted me immediately. However, their faces looked sour this morning. We headed for the school garden. Sitting in the middle, and two of my best friends start telling stories.

"Huh, this sucks. Why does everyone think she is a super perfect girl?" Mosa asked

"Who do you mean?"

"Yora, who else",

"Are you two with him?"

Spontaneously they shook their heads and hands refused, "Of course not, why envy",

"Then why be angry?"

"Huh, she sucks all. What you do not realize all Mading contains about it. What's the point of trying? Nothing else what?"

"Why is Yora special right? Is she a rich kid?"

"Yes, she was a rich kid according to your guess. She the son of the director of Alex's company branch. It's really special ... ",

" So if it's a rich kid, here at this school will get really special things, huh? ",

" Huh, not all of it right. What did she get from his father? All the teachers are more defending the girl, otherwise they will not teach in this school ",

" You are also rich kid, I think ",

Suddenly I heard a familiar voice approaching, as soon as I hid. Sure enough, a man came to meet two of my best friends.

"Morning, Kaori. What's wrong?"