To be a bodyguard

" Simple house with common people, I prefer that. I'll give you the address later ".

" Yes, thank you for returning my job ",

" You're welcome, you deserve it and you are also great to be a bodyguard to look after women like me ",

Smile at each other.


Morning, I have found my new home and live there. The transfer of things was fast and this house is ready for me to live in with the help of the freight forwarder.

I am glad that this problem has been resolved, and now I am on my way to the burial place of my father and mother. Walking to find graves theirOnce found, I knelt down and put flowers on their graves.

"Father, mother. Now that everything is over, all is well. Uncle Chan has taken care of the business. I'll be fine here, and I hope you guys are doing well there too. I will always pray for you and try to be the best in this world for you. Mother father. Actually I want to apologize if I've been hiding myself all this time. I am your daughter but when you guys leave I almost become like Uncle Chan. But you don't need to worry, Orchid is just an ordinary group and helps me to solve our family problems. Yesterday, when I came home with Lisa and Felix.

I got notification that the culprit was killed on the Rosewell Bus. I'm sure Chan was involved. Orchid reports the very best, and we will continue to work to be our best at fighting crime. Yeah, at least in our family because I don't think Uncle Chan is a good person to run our company. Hyun has regained freedom thanks to Uncle Chan's help. That's all I want to talk to mom and dad. Thank you and I will always pray for you. Calm down father and mother there. "My smile then left the place.

There were three women watching the place from afar, they were dressed as ordinary women. They were in charge of observing a woman who came to Alex and Hyuna's grave, observing the female leader of Orchid.

Morning, at school. Fena and Mosa approached me.

"I heard last night during the interview Hyun and Chan said that everything is fine. Is that true?",

"Yes, really",

"Does that mean you're leaving?",

"Yes and I don't know",


" Huh, while it's still safe. I'll stay ", for some reason the two of them immediately hugged me tightly and we headed to the classroom together. Yes, as usual the director girl made a scene by making gossip about her closeness to Yoong. Me and my friends who had heard the gossip were just silent. Then we continued our steps towards the classroom.

"An, do you think what Yora said is true?",

"Haha, don't be offended. I'm not proud to be close to that guy. It's annoying!",

"Huh, why is that?",

"Huh, Yoong is handsome, rich, smart. and as you think. But I hate him ",

" You don't like men, do you? ",

" Huh, that's not it Mosa! Yoong, ah never mind ... don't talk about it anymore ",

" Yeah well, it seems you are not interested in him. How about Fen? ",

" Naturally .... ",


Not long after the bell rang and the first hour class had started. Strangely, today the teacher chose to discuss Alex's company problems. Yes, because this is Indonesian language lesson for pro and contract debate material. I just listened to the news read by the teacher.

Then the teacher chose several people to agree and disagree along with reasons. Fena and Hani, they were chosen by the teacher to present the first debate. Hani for agreeing and Fena for disagreeing.

"I agree, because Hyun is innocent. Hyun is just a victim who was framed by someone. The police should have been more careful in declaring the suspect, this could be defamation, "said Hani.

" I don't agree, if Hyun is innocent why did he hide from the police? "

Then this debate was continued by other friends,

" It's true what Fena said, why run if you are innocent? Is he the type of a loser? ",

" I disagree with what you say, why do you think he is a loser? How can he not anymore, if he doesn't hide he will be arrested and then punished. So, if he is imprisoned, who is looking for the real culprit? Isn't he punished, the case is over? "

The debate conflict continued to get even more exciting, until the teacher became the mediator until the lesson was over. All students were asked to forgive each other, and not continue this debate outside of class hours. Everyone started to look happy .

Break time, school canteen.

Everyone started whispering to each other, at Yora's table and friends.

"Really, if Yoong already has a girlfriend? Who is his girlfriend? ",

" Hah, it's a shame even though I really like him ",

" Haha, Yora, you didn't go out with Yoong ?, "Yora's best friend said loudly until we heard him.

" Yes of course, Yoong is my boyfriend. . Just ask him to be shy to reveal it. You know that yesterday, Yoong took me out for a meal together. Just the two of you! "

Everyone listened carefully to Yora's words, while I just smiled and chuckled.

" Why, why are you laughing ?, "asked Mosa

" It's nothing! ",

" Huh, the most hidden, " Fena sneered,

"Do you believe what Yora said?",

Fena and Mosa began to chuckle, "I don't know, she's the son of the director, so what's impossible for her",

"Yeah, she's pretty too",

"Because she's pretty so she is mistaken for Yoong's boyfriend. Is that so? ",

" Erm ... ",

" If it's bad? ',

"It's not ...",

Suddenly my cell phone received a message from Yoong, the man my friends were talking about now.

"Let's have dinner!",

I replied, "Where?",

"The usual place",

"Huh, I'm lazy if the menu is like that",

"So what do you want?",

"How do you cook? ',

"Yes, but you know I can't cook",

"Well I also know, in a normal place and you cook",


"What time?",

"How about after school? You're hungry! ",

" You know, okay! I wait. Do you already know my new home address? ",

" Not yet! ",

" Well I told you, did Chan not tell you where I live? ",

" No, you just left ",