The Discover

Walking towards the technology discovery room, seen a red luxury car.

"Here, look at my new discovery!"

"What? A junk car with a luxurious appearance? I told you not to waste our funds on cars that look luxurious",

"No, this is a car equipped with computer technology. There are some of the same cars controlled by a computer. Same license plate number for cars. trick your opponent while on the road ",

" Yes good, master car! ",

" That's right, so what do you think? ",

" Huh, make a good report and make a fact. Have you tested a car with its capabilities? I can't say it's good yet. because I haven't seen the facts. It could be that this car beat some previous cars and motorbikes ",

" E, okay Orchid I will make a report. This car has been tested by our drivers ",

" Good, don't waste your work! ",

" Thank you Orchid ", I left and continued my steps.

"Orchid, we need a new member",

"Have you opened it? Make the system work, and retire people. I want to make their lives more meaningful with the family. How many of our members are on duty?",

"Our members. who are on duty 100 people in various parts of the world. Orchid, there are several teams reported testimony that some people are related to uncle Chan ",

" Did he return to his dark world? ",

" No, but this person has planned revenge on Uncle Chan! " ,

"Do you have evidence?",

"Yes, our team has!",

"Then keep investigating, don't let Chan's men find out",

"Yes, Orchid!",

Walked and stopped, paying attention to the training of members led by Sen. . Sen continued to train and gave no sign that Orchid entered the room for the members he trained.

I walked over to look at all the members Sen trained for a moment.

"Sen !," I called, then Sen came closer.

"What have you been training them for these few days?",

"Orchid, as usual. I train them to assemble weapons and shoot long range",

"Good then," while watching the trained members. I saw some of them talking while Sen was talking to me.

"Do you train them that way?",

Sen also looked at his members, and glared at them.

"Put them into the lower members, I don't care if their abilities are better or not!",

"Good Orchid!", Then I left the place. Then Sen got angry at those who were rude when Orchid came. Sen sent those who were disrespectful to the basement again for Yuan to practice driving.

Arriving at the study, I began to open some of the reports that were waiting. Financial reports, spy membership reports, long and close range shooter activity reports, and much more. Yes, I also deliberately wrote this story in a language that is easy for you to understand in order to understand what I wrote for you. Meanwhile Talisa returned to work in his office.

Read on for some of the technological developments, spy dispatch, even planning for the new Orchid system. Yes, now I'm running the system. Everyone can underestimate this 19 year old but not those who know me.

Read on for some of the technological developments, spy dispatch, even planning for the new Orchid system. Yes, now I'm running the system. Everyone can underestimate this 19 year old but not those who know me.

I also called Al by phone and asked him to come into my office. Not long after that he came and sat in front of me.

"Al, I want you to keep an eye on people while I'm away. You're the head of technology discovery right?",

"Yes Orchid!",

"Watch out for new recruits who will enter your area. Tomorrow ask your men to take the motorbike at my house. I've sent New address on Talisa with code. I want you to fix my bike ",

" Ok Orchid ",

" That's all I want to say, please come out! ",

Al was happy to leave the room because he got an assignment from Orchid. Usually the tasks are assigned to more professionals and the head of technology discovery often does not assign this task. He and his team are also working actively on finding new members to recruit after the old members will retire.


Yes, as you know that I was born for this, all of this is my mother's inheritance from no one. Orchid is indeed led by an ordinary woman who has sent members to fight crime. We're often in the dark just like the mafia, Uncle Chan.


I went back upstairs in the same elevator. Closing the elevator door with his cellphone, immediately the elevator behind me opened, and Yoong never expected to enter. Luckily I quickly closed the secret elevator door.

Yoong smiled to himself, "You just arrived An?",

"Yes, I want to meet brother Hyun. What's wrong?",

"No, I just thought after that incident we will not meet again",

"Huh, yes how can we will not meet again. But it sucks! ",

" Yes, I know, I also feel the same way as you. He did not appreciate you "she smiled.

We both met Hyun, during the elevator I was very nervous and hoped this man did not see my behavior earlier. As soon as the lift opened, strangely this man even took my hand, he pulled me into Hyun's room.

Entering without knocking on the door, Hyun's secretary just smiled sweetly seeing Yoong holding An's hand.

Even though he was in front of Hyun, Yoong still wouldn't let go of my hand.

"Brother Hyun, do you think Uncle Chan will bless us if you get married?"

Hearing this, I immediately pulled my hand from Yoong's hand. Once apart I said "Huh, what the hell!",

"Are you angry?",

"No!" I replied irritably.

Hyun turns on the television and watches the news.

"Brother, this is the file from the person who wants to cooperate with us", Yoong put the file he brought to the table.

"Em, An, what do you think?",

"Brother who makes decisions",

"Will you also make decisions at your wedding later? ',