Romantic movie

"Hello, not at the kale level! Do you read it?"

After being satisfied to insult the two of them away, I just smiled sweetly then bought snacks and drinks.


Yoong and Yora and their two friends enter the cinema, that's when they accidentally clash with Kim. Kim has received two tickets to watch a romantic movie.

"An where? Why did it take so long? Huh, I should have bought that snack like this",

Not long after, An was seen bringing snacks and drinks. Kim immediately approached and helped An bring snacks.

"Sorry, I should have bought earlier",

"Yes, it's okay Kim. Where's the ticket? Can you get it or not?",

"Get it, let's go in!"

Kim and I entered the cinema, Kim handed the ticket to the guard. Then we looked for a seat, after finding him we sat down. Kim booked a suitable seat, was in the middle of the audience and sat side by side.

"Huh, thank goodness sitting in the middle huh?"


"Because if I sit in front I'm afraid!"

"Afraid? Kana da me why should I be afraid"'m

"The screen is too big in front, it makes my eyes hurt and that's what I Afraid of",

"Oh, I see!"


Meanwhile, in a horror movie theater, Yoong doesn't sit next to Yora. Yora felt cheated, she thought Yoong would sit side by side with her but she didn't. Yora sat at the front while her two best friends sat on the front side away from Yora. Meanwhile Yoong sat on the middle bench.

The horror movie audience is so full in this room that two of her best friends can't keep Yora company. Two of her friends are sure that Yora will die of fear if she watches a horror film alone. Immediately two friends sent a short message.

"Yora, are you okay? Why did it turn out like this? Didn't you guys just watch a movie together, how come it was split like this?",

"I don't know, Yoong took me to watch a horror movie together but I didn't expect it would turn out like this",

" After all, it was done by kale! "

"Ah impossible, Yoong is not like that"

"Then what do you call this?"

"Maybe he accidentally kebeli ticket with a different seat number"

"Huh, wait....yes!"

"Sob, I would die of fright"



Theaters romantic movie,

Once the film is playing, I only pay attention to the film. Sometimes drinking and eating snacks. This film suddenly made my tears deep down my cheeks, even though I had tried to make it not fall but still. Suddenly Kim handed me a tissue, and I took it.

"Sad, huh? Don't we have to watch this movie later?",

"Huh, sorry I can't hold it in anymore" I replied while wiping the tears that fell down my cheeks.


On the other hand, Fena was accompanied home by Richard. Richard was very concerned about Fena. They stopped at Fena's yard.

"I'll just take you here"!

"not go into the house?",

Did"Not another time",

"Thank you for driving me home today"

"Yes tomorrow I'll come pick you up how?",


"By the way, are you not curious about Orchid?"

"Yes, it would be weird if our trainer didn't say how Orchid was!"

"Em right, Mr. Sen does not always change the subject when asked about Orchid",

"Yes, I am so curious about Orchid. How about we find out about him?",

"Okay I agree, are we going to invite the others?"

"I guess so they can distract later",

"Okay! I go first and have a good night pretty"

"Good evening", Richard left Fena's house. Fena smiled sweetly because Richard had just said she was beautiful.

Meanwhile, Samuel takes Mosa home. In Mosa's yard, Samuel stopped and chatted with Mosa.

"Mos, I'm here. I'll pick you up tomorrow, okay?"

"Yes, but don't be late, huh? Because I also go to school with Fena",

"Okay, I came early in the morning",

"Sam, Mr. Sen's explanation was about Orchid. Are you curious?"

"It's curious"

"But I think it's strange, why Mr. Sen said we don't need to know who our current leader is. This is really suspicious!"

"Yes, I am too, but I'm sure we work for good people. Maybe later Sen will tell us who Orchid is"

"Yes then I agree but when? Let's hope Sen will tell us tomorrow"

"Yes, I hope so"

"Sam ..."

"Yes Mos!"

"Go home there! Already late tonight you pick me up"

Samuel smiled sweetly, "Yes, okay, beautiful I'm home. Good night, beautiful!"

"Good night handsome!", Sam left Mosa and Mosa entered the house.


On Samuel's return home, he met Richard. They stopped on the road and chatted for a while.

"Richard where are you from?"

"Just want to know, what's the matter between us?"

"Heh, I can guess where you are from. It must be from Fena's house!"

"Wow, you must be from Mosa's house yourself, right?"


"Here I was talking about Orchid and Mosa. So, are you curious about Orchid?"

"Yes, I was curious, I also talked about it with Fena"

"Wow, it's the same! Why did Sen not want to tell us what Orchid was like?"

"Maybe we don't have to know that!"

"Why not? We're going to work for him, why can't we know!"

"I do not know, maybe tomorrow I will be told. Already yee, I went home nagging first!"

"Uh, you nag!" Richard and Samuel went to their respective homes.
