A plan


Start whispering in ear Fena's, and Fena nodded her head in agreement.

A girl comes out in a black coat and head covered in a veil, Fena. Then get on the motorbike and leave. Yoong who saw An leave immediately followed. A girl comes out of Fena's house after seeing that Yoong has left, An.

As soon as I walked towards the opposite direction, not far from here Yuan was waiting with Al who brought my motorbike. I immediately approached them.

"This is An's key!" said Al giving the key

"Thank you, are you ready to go?"

"Yes, Talisa and the others are waiting in position"

"Good!" while wearing a white mask and wearing a helmet, then riding a motorbike.

"An, shouldn't you involve a new kid?"

I didn't answer, I only saluted Al and Yuan, then left. Yuan and Al followed my departure and they split up.
