Yoong secret is revealed

Lindsay woke up and saw the whole room. Bee comes into the room with Deza. Deza brought flowers and gave them to Lindsay.

"What happened?",

"You fell unconscious, I help you sit!" Said Bee,

Lindsay sat down, "How long have I passed out?",

"It's 8:00 am"

"What?"Lindsay was shocked, not playing himself start panic. When that panic Talisa came and entered this room.

"Lindsay, are you all right?"

"Yes, thank goodness you came",

"I came and wanted to talk to you. Just the two of us"

"Friends leave the two of us, and please close the door"

Bee and Deza immediately left, Deza closed the door. Bee and Deza are waiting outside.

"What happened Lindsay?",

"They brought Orchid, a man in a black coat",

"You know what happened to you?",

Lindsay shook her head,

"That man used a little knowledge to paralyze his enemy. I go now and start looking for Orchid or … "Talisa said, leaving Lindsay.
