If he loves Yora

The Orchid organization is calm again, Lindsay has returned to her hometown. Orchid members begin to be completely disabled. We also didn't help the police anymore in completing their duties during Sadera's leadership. We will not help one bit until he apologizes for his actions. We also returned the two hundred and fifty million in check.

  I also asked the Orchid members to gather somewhere. Drive and drive sports car towards the place. All gathered and waited for Orchid to come. For new members this is a great opportunity to meet Orchid in person. Talisa is also in this place, she asks Orchid members to line up neatly.

  From a distance a sports car pulled up and stopped right in front of them all. The car door began to open slowly and a familiar girl came out. Fena and Mosa who saw me came to me immediately.

"An, you are here. There is something we want to talk to you about",