Handsome man

Hyun came over to Chan who was sitting alone, sitting opposite him.

"Uncle, are you okay?" Asked Hyun

"What do you mean asking like that?"

"Uncle's face was gloomy after the girl left, you refused uncle?"

"Huh, are you crazy. She is just a friend to talk to",

"Really? Then what does that mean by the rose that the girl brought? I saw her uncle, I've been here since earlier" replied Hyun while sending a picture message to An via cellphone.

"Huh, whatever you want. What are you doing?"

"Sending a picture of uncle giving flowers to the girl, An must like him",

"Aaaa, stop that. Uncle already told you, uncle has nothing to do with him",

"Sorry uncle, I'm sorry. But An has received the picture so it has happened" smile Hyun

Suddenly Chan immediately took the cellphone from Hyun's hand, he immediately deleted the photo and then returned the cellphone to Hyun.

"Uncle, don't panic, we would love to have a lover, uncle,