Behind the beautiful girl

Shen calls An, communication is connected.

"Yes brother, what is it? Where have you been? Have you met uncle?" Asked An

"Sorry Miss, I'm not brother",

"Then you sshepa? Are you a thief? Where is brother?"

"I'm not a thief, I'm just a taxi driver. Brother in the hospital now",

"What? What happened to him? Where, which hospital?"answered An in a panic. An hardly went away, his brother was hospitalized. An almost fainted if the house assistant didn't help him.


An immediately rushed to the hospital, she left with a private driver and a household assistant who would look after her along the way. An calls his uncle Chan.

"Uncle, uncle where? Brother is in the hospital, uncle",

"What? Now he is treated in which hospital? Uncle will be there soon"

"He is hospitalized Flowris",

"Uncle will be there soon, wait uncle",