Three sodas

"No sis Yoong, she just went away. Uh, but she said she would meet her friend here",

"How long has she been gone?",

"Three hours or four hours ago",

"I see, I miss her. for a long time we didn't talk together ",

I was shocked when I heard Yoong's words, I thought he was the only one he annoyed but it turned out that he was his adoptive brother too.

"What? You haven't talked to your own brother in a long time?"

Yoong smiled sweetly, "Yes, because she was treated differently from me. She was sent to the dormitory by mom and dad"

"I see, and you never visited her?"

"Sometimes, several times in the school dorm",

"Geez, you're still annoying!"

Hyun smiled, "Alright .. done, anyway now we see Rembulan is fine right?"

"Ah, brother! Why are you defending him?"

"Yes because she's fine!"

I took a deep breath and then exhaled, "Okay, no problem. I'll go first, good night," I said hurriedly, leaving.