Poor uncle

We quickly gathered, Shen took the bee in his car and remote control. Small bees measuring 1 cm began to be flown by remote control. It's like a drone, only smaller in size. We started to pay attention to the screen on the remote control.

While paying attention, friends began to chat.

"Moon, why are you doing this?" Asked Huanran

"Why? Is it strange? No need to know",

"Are we back? I want to ask about this only" he said again

"Yes, I told you I asked you to mingle. do and look like it's time. Eun-kyung has shown herself too, so we'll be back. "The faces of the four men started to brighten up with cute smiles on their faces. The feeling of joy was already in their hearts with a burning passion.

"Look at this, Hyun is tied up," said Shen.

I immediately approached Shen, looking at the remote control screen. Ya Hyun is being tied to the chair.

"Hey, can you divert the bees to whoever the culprit is," I pleaded.