Here because of a mission

"Yeah I mean this house, this place doesn't make you tired right?"

"No, I'm very grateful to you. You've allowed me to stay here",

"No problem, did my people scare you?"

"No, you're worried about me aren't you? Don't worry, everything's fine",

"Yeah right, I'm really scared of losing you. You know, now I hear Orchid is working with Demons. I'm afraid they're also after your life"

"They're working together ? Ah never mind, no need to worry. I'm already out of Orchid right? So no need to worry about me.",

"Yeah, I hope when you need help. You call me first" she smiled.

"Of course, I'll call you. You're a nice guy. Yeah okay, I'll be upstairs soon. I'm starting to feel cold" I smiled back at him and went to my room.

Chan just silently watched the girl leave, he mumbled "When will you understand my feelings? I just want you to know that I'm thinking of you."