Find the right girl

"Brother, I'm ready for the honey!"

"Brother, wasp's nest!"

The girl's last words made everyone silent, Chan who heard the girl's words smiled sweetly. Then he started giving greetings for this festival of light.

Seen also from below the stage, An smiled to himself after hearing strange words for his uncle.

Chan, who was on stage and saw his nephew laughing at the visitors' remarks, also laughed too.

"Hahaha….sorry, sorry. Alright, I thank you very much for coming here. The head of the mayor who made this plan, to the committee and involved in the implementation of this festival of light. This is really a great show, and I didn't even expect to get such a great welcome here from you guys. You make me laugh. Brother, wasp nest! Who said that earlier? Can you come on stage and take a picture with me?" Chan asked.