Anger and glass

A few minutes later, we arrived at Alex Co.

I quickly got out of the car, and walked into the building. Headed upstairs, towards brother Hyun's study. Before heading to the study, I didn't see Ethan at his desk. I immediately went to my brother's office. Knocked on the door, and went straight in without waiting for an answer. It turned out that my brother and uncle were in the lobby, a glass-enclosed room. They were talking together. I immediately approached them.

"Uncle, brother. Have you seen the news this afternoon?" I said while sitting near my brother.

"Well, what's wrong?" asked Uncle

"According to Uncle, will Eun-Kyung not have a grudge against Uncle? I'm afraid he will attack Rembulan!"

"Hah, take it easy. Eun-Kyung won't do anything stupid. Now she's the target of the police. And Rembulan isn't a girl to worry about!"


"Yes indeed!"