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G. Flow laboratory activities are amazing, all scientists work well in this laboratory. Roy Lin began to walk through every room of this place. Everyone was wearing a white coat, just like he was wearing. It's just that Roy Lin disguised himself as an officer carrying equipment, he didn't have the right to touch what they were doing. But he can see it.

The first astonishing sight was of a human being in a tube filled with a liquid like water. Humans are in research. He also heard the conversation of several scientists who were near humans who were used as experimental mice. Yes, to be more precise is the man in the tube.

"Soon this clone will be perfect!"

"What's the power this time?"

"Hah, he has the power of water. He can control water. This clone is a first class clone that doesn't have any weaknesses!"

"That's great, Mr. Eun-kyung will be very happy to hear of all this success!"