The patience that has run out

"Well it looks like Revian is very hurt. What should we do, uncle's nephew?"

"Hah, yes of course preventing Hyun from marrying Reina. They must not be in a relationship until this matter is over, or I will make him kneel along the highway!"

"Wow... how cruel!"

"Yes, what can't I? I will destroy their relationship if necessary!" said An immediately returned to the cafe.

Uncle Chan also followed his steps from behind.

"Oh my, who educated you so cruelly?" uncle asked himself.

Ya An, who heard that, replied in his heart, "Yes, who else if not uncle and mother. Both have secrets, mafia and orchids!"

Meanwhile the existence of Revian.

"Please go to the street, there is no number 13 wound, okay?" Revian said while holding back the tears that kept falling down his cheeks.

"All right, lady!" replied the taxi driver.