Mistake, forgot the little girl

"Uncle, can I have Rembulan cell phone number? I want to ask him something about this brown teddy bear"

"Huh, you still don't believe it! Alright, uncle will send you his cellphone number soon"

"Yes, thank you uncle Chan!"

Communication is lost, Chan has hung up first. Not long after, Hyun received a text message containing Rembulan's cell phone number, which was sent by Chan's uncle. Hyun immediately called Rembulan's cell phone number.

Waited for a while, the phone sounded "Tutttt....tuttt" trying to connect with Rembulan's mobile number.

Yes, a few seconds after that communication was connected.

  "Yes, who is this?" Rembulan's voice was clear.

"Sister, it's Hyun. I want to ask you some important things, sister. Do you have time?"

"Oh you Hyun. Yes please, I'm taking a break. What do you want to ask?"