The journey back begins, returns the jade

"Ah yes sorry, sorry. Are you still mad at me? What should I do to make you not angry?"

"Nothing, I'm not angry with you. Yes, what you say is true, okay as long as you are honest with you it won't be a problem in the future"

"Yes... I've seen my uncle sad like that, is he really sad because of that girl?"

"Which girl?"

"Of course Rembulan!"

"Oh she, that's right. I feel since uncle left by him uncle's character has changed. I even heard uncle cry alone. I'm so sorry!"

"Do you want to help your uncle?"

"Yes of course, Uncle Chan is a great and the best uncle I have. How about you? Would you like to help Uncle Chan meet Rembulan?"

"Yes of course, isn't my sister Rembulan?!"

"Yeah right"

"Eh, if you're her little brother. Didn't she leave a message for you?"

"Nothing, she just left like before"

"Um, I see!"

Back before Jingmi, Huanran, Roy Lin, Shen and Reina received a letter from the Moon.