Terror on cellphone

But while I was waiting, I got an unexpected message.

A message that reads "Hey, you better remember that Yoong doesn't like you at all. You two are together just because you were set up. So you better stay away from him now". The message was sent by an unknown number.

I who read this strange message just ignored it, but not a few minutes later the same number messaged me again.

"Don't act stupid! You better take a look at the nearest tavern around you, you'll see who Yoong is with".

After reading the message, I immediately went to find the nearest shop like the message I received. I saw the nearest shop not far from where I was. I saw Yoong with Yora. The girl looks from a distance trying to seduce Yoong.

"Oh, so he's with Yora. So what does that have to do with me?" I asked myself.

I watched them for a moment, and again a message from an unknown number messaged me.