Table number ten


"What kind of relationship do you have with other girls?"

"Nothing! What do you mean, brother? I don't understand!"

"Huh, yesterday you were looking for An!?"

"Yes, then?"

"I just asked him what happened yesterday. She said she met with sister Rembulan. Then An went with Rembulan and uncle Chan. Yesterday you also asked where An went, right? Where were you yesterday? An was annoyed when I asked about yesterday you and her. Are you with another girl?"

Yoong starts to think. He is surprised and thinks An has seen him with Yora. Yoon immediately went to An's room. Chan and Hyun saw Yoong leave without saying goodbye and started talking about him.

"Hey, he really has a problem with An?" asked uncle Chan.

"Yes, uncle, it seems! Eh, how is his uncle's relationship with Rembulan? Are you okay?"