14-so this is love

Kailey feels his eyes on her as she pours the water into the coffee maker. From her peripheral view, she sees him pull off his sweaty t-shirt and wipes at the sweat off his face and chest with it. She feels her face growing hot.

"I need to shower," he says and she nods, still not looking at him as she quickly presses the power button.

She turns around to get two cups from the wares rack and Kailey jumps when she feels Max's hands on her hips. He radiates his pure maleness when he pulls her into him and she felt his hard body on her back. She inhales his smell, closing her eyes as her heart starts to race sending her pulses in a frenzy.

She feels his hands snake around her waist as his head rests on her shoulder.

"Hi," she feels the vibration of it into her soul. She closes her eyes and leans back into him feeling like her spirit is singing.

It just feels so right being here, "Hi," she replied nervously.