She stares at the blank road

She walks over to the window and lets out a long breath. Her shoulders slump as she leans on the wall. Ahh- nothing he says makes any sense. Not even a slight resemblance of it! Think, think, think she scolds her brain.

'They were both him though, right?' Max watches her as she paces the floor. He suddenly feels uneasy. This could go very wrong...oh no, this isn't good!



'Wait why was Louis so concerned?'

He watches her as she mumbles to herself. She makes air gestures and looks so comical at that moment that it was almost funny. Her talking to herself and him with a voice inside his head... You just can't make shit like this up he thinks. What a pair they make. He isn't even aware that he's playing with his fingers. He is nervous and excited but so scared at the same time.

She suddenly turns and looks at him. He holds his breath.

"But it can't be because that isn't part of the disorder..."