the one where he tells her what happened to him

"Human weapons that were supposed to be for one team for extremely dangerous missions… Rescue missions. I don't know what they had planned but I got out when I overheard a conversation one evening. They were planning on getting rid of the evidence and that included me. To kill me!"

"An investigation into the explosion was pending and they were destroying all our research- all the evidence. I overheard one subject being told to get rid of the doctor that I knew too much."

Max's next words had her blood running cold.

"They started to shoot at me but one thing they did not cater for Kai," his nostrils flared and his mouth twisted upwards, "I had infected myself just weeks before- so my ability to heal was fast… as was my speed. See, they did not know this as I was never on a battlefield so I was never injured. I healed almost immediately before making my escape."