Tobago here we come

Mrs. Walker

Kailey could hardly contain her happiness. It's been a week since she was Mrs. Walker. She and her husband would be going on their honeymoon now. Nowhere far, just to the sister isle Tobago. Nothing big either. Just the same island life they've always lived with one exception... a resort with no phones. No internet. Just the beach, sand, and each other for a week. She only got a month off from work as her vacation time and it was back to work as usual on Monday after they returned on Friday.

She watch Max as he took their bags out of the backseat of her car and press the car alarm to lock it. They would leave it here in the car park for the duration of the time they spent on the other island. He mocked her so many times about her chosen car to drive but always wanted to drive her in. She smiled. He did anything to make her happy.

She married the man she loved as a boy.