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(King Charles / Saddat / General Patrick Ruthven POV)

"I see the hand of the Emperor in it... It cannot be a coincidence that some ordinary bandits have kidnapped your family, Your Majesty." (General Patrick Ruthven)

I have to convince the king... the king, what a joke. So that he would go off to save his mother, as Efendi planned. I just hope that this cursed scotsman won't stop me.

"They are ordinary bandits, deserters maybe, they are everywhere, and the Emperor would not require gold, he would have used Your Majesty's family in a different way." (Saddat)

"If they are bandits, what to do? Including the possibility that the Emperor is behind it." (King Charles)

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, there is no other option. You must go out with the army and destroy your enemies... otherwise everyone will think you are weak. No matter if it was the Emperor or not... Your honor is on the edge of your sword." (Saddat)

"What if it's a trap? If someone wants to lure us..." (General Patrick Ruthven)

"That's why I told us to go with the entire army. Tatars, Scots and French... the enemy will not expect it. There is also no sign of a hostile army in the vicinity of Prague, so we can leave a small garrison without fear of losing the city." (Saddat)

"You're arguing like women in the market... do you have any other advice?" (King Charles)

"Pay the ransom, if they want gold, they can get it." (General Patrick Ruthven)

Damn Scotsman, and what's worse, this fool can listen to him.

"The king whose family was kidnapped pays a ransom... such a king is ridiculous. Your Majesty, if you do not want to pay or fight, ask Hetman Jazłowiecki for help, he will know what to do." (Saddat)

Jealousy has already led many to they graves, as well as pride, cemeteries are full of proud people.

"What can he do that I can't?" (King Charles)

"Your Majesty, I know that Prince Jazłowiecki is your family, but it's better not to ask him for help, you'd better start the fight. Although I do not know him personally, only heard of him at the court of your uncle, the King of England. He is not a man to whom I would like to be indebted." (General Patrick Ruthven)

"People talk a lot, not always true... I think part of the legend that surrounds my brother-in-law is a story based on truth, half-truth and lies... but you are right, I don't want to ask him for help, we will free my mother and siblings ourselves." (King Charles)

(End POV)

It had been three weeks since my children were born, and although I visited them every day, my thoughts were somewhere else. I had already received information that my mother-in-law and her children had been kidnapped, but I had no information from Saddat whether my brother-in-law went to save them... so I had to keep waiting.

"They are growing fast." (Elisabeth)

Unfortunately for me too slowly... they will be useless for a few more years. However, now I have to think about their education, I have big plans for Władysław and I cannot let my son disappoint my expectations.

"We haven't talked about it, but what faith do you want to raise them in?" (Elisabeth)

I guessed that Elisabeth, as a Protestant, would want to raise our children in this faith, but it was impossible... for my son, I had no doubts, he had to be Catholic, and Anna...

"Anna may be a Protestant, but Władysław must be a Catholic, I have great plans for him

... I do not even exclude the Polish crown, and the Polish king must be a Catholic." (MC)

"Impossible! That's imposs... our son... king?! You're not serious about this." (Elisabeth)

My wife's surprise was understandable, it was the first time I had told her about my ambitions.

"Of course I'm serious, it won't even be difficult... but it all depends on what kind of person he will be. " (MC)

If he is weak and stupid, I will not let such a person destroy everything that I have fought for all my life, even if it is my son... but I'll have a few years to check it out.

(Saddat / Sefer POV)

"How many people have we lost?" (Saddat)

Efendi will be glad to hear the news, and Charles turned out to be a greater fool than I thought, he allowed himself to be chased to a place from which he could not escape.

"About a thousand, the most when we pushed the Scots and the French into the water, then our bows did the rest. They didn't stand a chance, the muskets are a powerful weapon, but too slow for our bows." (Sefer)

"How many enemies escaped?" (Saddat)

"Not many, but we still chase them and look for them. What if they hide in a settlement or village?" (Sefer)

Efendi clearly wrote not to leave any witnesses alive, few peasants or townspeople make no difference.

"Kill the inhabitants and burn the buildings... they will be the next victims of this war. Do not leave the corpses of our people or the arrows... bury or burn they bodies, there must be no trace." (Saddat)

"It's a lot of work..." (Sefer)

"For which you are paid, you can plunder and take prisoners, you also got gold... your horde has not had such profits for many years." (Saddat)

"Your Efendi is like a snake, but pays well, maybe in the future..." (Sefer)

For you, my friend, there is no future, you are a tool that is no longer useful. Greed is not a sin, everyone wants more, it is a sin to want more than you can swallow.

"Maybe... now go convey my orders to people. When everything is taken care of, you are to go back east through Moldova, everything is prepared, the hospodar will let you pass." (Saddat)

(End POV)