
Time Spent With Family

You wake up to the smell of tea, with Setsuko carrying two serving trays in either hand, wearing a cute sweater and shorts as well as a small, uncertain smile as she glances down at you and Noriko. Noriko's still snoring atop you, drooling on your chest, leg absently kicking. You gingerly push her to one side, shifting yourself, and Setsuko puts your tray atop you - a tall glass of warm milk and chicken and eggs. She offers you a little smile as you look at your food, then puts the other tray over Noriko, who seems to slowly wake up.

"It's your favorite, sweetie," Setsuko says, smiling down at her naked daughter as Noriko looks at the food before her: tea and cereal.

"Thank you, mother," Noriko says, with a small smile on her lips.

Setsuko practically bursts into a big smile herself, glancing over to you to make sure you appreciate your food. She's the only one in the room wearing clothes.

You eat your oyakodon breakfast, offering Setsuko some compliments on it, which sparks Noriko to offer her own. When you're done eating, Setsuko takes the trays, but you have her set them down on your dresser. "Come back to bed," you say, with a smile. "And let me see that beautiful body of yours."

"A-ah, yes, Nanashi-sama," Setsuko says, blushing. She strips naked and gets on your side. You direct both girls down to your cock, and they suck you off exquisitely - Setsuko enthusiastic and almost worried as she looks up at you, concerned she won't be good enough, while Noriko is mechanically precise and thorough with your dick, pistoning her face up and down in long, steady strokes as her eyes lid in pleasure.

When you give the two their little morning breakfast treat - a splatter of your cum in either's mouth, one string stretching between the two - you get up and get dressed, giving them a couple good morning kisses on the top of the head before you head out.

You collect a tall glass of kokeya tea and make a nice plate of salad, for your mother's breakfast. You also grab some tiverin, which is a headache palliative that's often used for hangovers and apparently is much better at it than Earth's aspirin. You head into her bedroom, which has the door half-open, your father buttoning his jacket. He offers you only the sparest glance. "Morning, son," he says, before brushing past you, suitcase in hand, heading off for work. He doesn't react to you collecting your mother's breakfast.

You put the kokeya tea down on her nightstand, her glasses folded up, and you watch her sleeping face. Noriko's a drooler, but your mother's more the quiet, calm type. She lies on her back, fingers laced together over her stomach, eyes closed but looking serene more than asleep. "Mother?" You ask, gently tapping her shoulder.

She stirs, wincing a bit, tapping her head. "Ah, Nan-chan," she says, "I may have had a little too much to drink last night," she tells you.

"I brought you tiverin," you say, offering it to her, and she hurriedly takes the bottle, taking a single pill and sighing, rubbing her forehead. "Brought you an entire breakfast, in fact," you say, gesturing to it.

She smiles. "Thank you, Nan-chan," she says, scooting up on the bed so she's seated, putting the plate in her lap and starting to eat.

"Here, let me," you say, taking the utensils from her and hand-feeding her.

She playfully accepts your treatment, chewing and swallowing the lettuce and other vegetables that make up her salad. Her eyes are on yours, a little smirk to her lips as she chews and swallows. "I can feed myself, Nan-chan," she teases, and you briefly move to put the utensils back on her plate. "I didn't say to stop."

You resume hand-feeding her, and she occasionally takes a sip of her tea, until the meal in front of her is finished.

"Want a massage?" You offer, and she sighs luxuriously and nods as you remove the plate from her lap. She crosses her arms and rests her head on her pillow, and you get atop her. She's wearing only the lightest clothes - the bedwear equivalent of a camisole and a pair of panties - as she lies there, but there's not the hint of embarrassment as you straddle her. Your cock is hard as you rub her shoulders down, but you don't try to make her come from that, just let her enjoy it, closing her eyes and allowing you to gently and sweetly rub her down. She sighs and enjoys herself, breathing softly as you work her over.

When you're finished, you lie on the bed next to her, and she soon flips onto her back and wraps one arm around you, pulling you to rest your chin atop her breast, your head nuzzling her body. She strokes your hair softly, kissing you. "You are such a wonderful son," she says, softly, sweetly.

You just relax, leaning against her.

She starts to speak, as she runs her fingers through your hair, petting you. "I remember when you were little, and you'd just lie there and fall asleep on my lap when we'd be watching television," she says. "You were always so smart, so well-behaved, such a good boy. You were definitely the easiest child," she adds, with a small laugh. "Fumiko and Minori can be a real handful when they want to be, but you've always been a good boy." She kisses your head. "You're definitely my favorite," she whispers quietly.

"You're my favorite too, Mom." You choose to call her that for effect, and she blushes a bit, kissing your head again as she runs her fingers through your hair.

"It's been a while since you called me that," she says, quietly. "I missed it."

"Maybe I'll call you it more," you tease. "How are things with you?" You ask, still nuzzled into her chest.

"They're well, I think. Besides your father being a bit distant," she sighs, closing her eyes. "He's still considering, on making you the heir, but I think he's coming around. We haven't been able to talk as much as normal. He comes home and pretty much immediately falls asleep."

You wonder just how immediately. "Sorry to hear that."

"It's fine," she says. "I'm reconnecting with my special little boy and spending time with him, so I don't mind too much." She kisses the top of your head again.

"What do you do for fun?" You ask, out of curiosity. "I always see you in the office, really."

"Ah, hm, that is a funny question. I talk to some of my friends. Network. Go on dates with your father, sometimes," she says. Her free hand comes up, fingers rubbing against her thumb. "Just interact with friends, really."

You nod. "So is Yuriko still going to be a good match if father does make me heir?"

"Mm, yes," Kimiko says, nodding. "Really you just need a girl of appropriate social station. It's not as though the Kusakabe and Sakamoto families are going to actually merge."

"Hey, Mom," you say, turning your eyes up to meet hers. She's still not wearing her glasses, and she looks different without them - more vulnerable, maybe. "I love you a lot. A lot of what I've done is to make you proud of me. I want to become the best, most perfect man for you."

She blushes brightly, embarrassed but enjoying it. She gives you a kiss on the forehead. "Thank you, sweetheart."

"When would you like to do another mother-son outing?" You ask. "Last night was amazing. I completely lost track of time." She blushes at the compliments. "I'm free most evenings," you note.

She runs a finger along your cheek. "Well... I could probably do Tuesday night... especially if you do as good a job with the accounting work tomorrow as you did last week." She laughs. "I might have to unload extra work on you."

"That works for me," you tell her, smiling warmly. You lean up and kiss her cheek, enjoying the little blush she wears. "I'm going to go check on my little sisters."

"A-ah, yes, go ahead, sweetie," Kimiko says, as you get out of bed, her fingers running along her cheek as she blushes.

Momo is in her room, play fighting with her teddy bear Tora, kicking it off a chair then putting it back on before striking it again. "Hya! Not so tough now! I am the devil in the moonlight, I am... Lady Victory! Die! Woopa!" She doesn't notice your entrance into her room.

You start humming some theme music, and she immediately whips around to look at you. Tora slides off the chair to flop onto the ground. "H-hey, Nana-kun," she says, blushing. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to know you only think you've foiled my plans, Lady Victory!" She squeaks as you rush her, hefting her up off the ground and tickling her. Her legs kick out at you, and you feign serious harm, tumbling back onto the bed, then rolling alongside her, wrestling her on her bed. She squeaks and giggles as you tickle her, running your hands along her body, kicking and pushing you away.

You try to make her orgasm like that, but she seems resistant, even when you rub your thigh against her groin or quietly brush her breasts or kiss-suckle her neck and collarbone. Finally, huffing and puffing, she squirms out from under you, tumbling onto the ground off the bed with a thump and then quickly rising to her feet. "Begone!" She says, imperiously, then hiccups. You laugh at the image. "Leave my room, I need to get dressed for the thing!"

"Alright, alright," you say, departing her room. She slams her door shut and locks it.

Your phone starts buzzing - you know what that means. You pick it out and check the messages.

What we talked about yesterday has me so hot, Master. ♡

Family, class, everything... I don't know if I should be more specific in text, but I keep wanting to play with myself to the thought. ♡♡

You deserve it. You absolutely deserve it, Master, and I'll help you get it any way I can. ♡♡♡​

You idly consider responding, or just heading to find Minori.

You decide to text her back.

You deserve to be happy as my concubine, and I'll do everything in my power to make sure that happens.

I'm already over the moon with happiness, Master! ♡

Even if I don't always respond promptly, these messages are always a little pick me up in the morning.


And, if you're thinking of me, or me with another woman, then you can masturbate. You don't need to ask.

Thank you, Master! Do you need anything from me right now, or can I play with myself thinking about you making the woman who threw me out kneel and suck?

Go ahead. I've got to go talk to my little sister.


You put away your phone, and you find Minori in her room, seated in her bed, trying to look prim in her little lacey dress as she reads on the bed, her back straight, poised, one hand on her book. She snaps it shut. "Morning, brother," she says, chin held high, expression cold as she gazes at you.

"Good morning," you say, politely. "Is there anything you need to prepare for our outing?"

"No," Minori says. "I've already prepared everything I require." She's laying the prim princess schtick on pretty thick right now. You're not sure if she's mad at you or she's just in this mode.

You decide to test it, looking at her book. 'The Rise of Keiko Marisaki, the Great Unifier.' "Oh, I've read that one," you say. "It's good. The author's obviously got a ladyboner for her, though. She completely glosses over the Arasaki affair and pretends like it was just her advisors and husband that conspired to do it, when in reality she was right there from the outset according to contemporary sources."

"Yeah, I noticed that felt off. She's really flowery when describing basically everything, it really takes away from it when you just pretend like everybody who lived more than a hundred years ago was a towering behemoth of perfection or a miserable wreck." She seems about to go on a long rant, and her primness and poise is completely lost.

You let her rant, about how historical revisionism actually makes history more bland and stupid and uninteresting, erases all the valuable insights and lessons in service of some boring trite cliches, and on and on. She goes into a completely unrelated tangent related to some Wesmeri engineer who invented AC electricity here and got incredibly wealthy off it and then used that wealth mostly to fund a harem of teenage girls who he abandoned when they reached the age of thirty, and how a lot of Wesmeri sources will completely overlook that but that it was a part of history too. She barely even stops to breathe, so you can mostly only provide small "mhm"s and "ah, yeah"s.

Finally she pants in exhaustion, and you add in your own notes. "I do think historical revisionism is a real issue. It's hard enough to understand the shape of this world without people fucking things up with stupid garbage."

"Exactly!" Minori says excitedly. "That's exactly it!"

"It does help give insight into what people today are thinking," you point out. "How Wesmeri culture values certain elements of its history over others, how they rewrite things. It's almost history in itself."

"Huh. I never really thought about it that way." She seems to ponder it.

"You do need to understand real history, though, or you'll never see the differences."

She nods in agreement, still staring into the middle distance.

You smile. "You know, you're really cute when you forget to act like our mother and say what you really think," you tease.

She crinkles her nose up. "I'm not just acting like Mom! I'm acting like me, a cool young lady of poise and grace!"

"So you think our mother doesn't have poise and grace? Maybe I should tell her that..."

"No!" She hurriedly replies. "I, fine! Fine, yeah, I try to act like her, because she's so cool and smart and pretty and she's the boss. She's the ideal Kusakabe woman, and one day I want to be like her! Problem?"

"No, no problem," you say, gently. "Want to go get breakfast?"

She briefly pretends to hesitate, then nods, hopping off the bed. She's wearing a cute light blue dress, frilly and lacy and short, not quite reaching the knees, showing off her bare shoulders but not her (limited) cleavage. She slips her feet into a pair of shoes, her socks having already been on, and the two of you head down, giving Akiko your breakfast order and sitting down at the table. Minori's having miso soup, while you've already eaten breakfast. Your phone buzzes in your pocket several times, suggesting that Terumi has finished masturbating.

You chat with Minori about the upcoming KHA reenactment. Well, it's really more like you start the conversation and she launches into an excitable rant on the subject, discussing the battle and its historical context as one of the major turning points of the Warring States period which eventually lead to reunification under the treacherous Misato Nobunaga. She pauses only for quick slurps of soup once Akiko brings it in, which gives you just enough time to offer mild polite interjections.

Eventually, she finishes her soup - shortly after she finishes her rant, slurping it down hungrily to assuage her clearly mildly sore throat (from all the talking). "Talking to you was fun!" She says, in an excitable tone of voice, before rushing off.

You wonder absently if Minori is powered by historical facts, as you slip your phone out of your pocket and check your texts. Six from Terumi.

I just got done playing with myself, Master.

First I thought about you and the older woman I met, and then I thought about you and Noriko, and then I thought about you and Yuriko.

All three were great! I came six times from the first, four from the second, and nine from the last.

I had to take another shower. ♡♡

I really love you, Master. ♡

Oh, don't think that means I like Yuriko most and Noriko least! I just had a particularly sexy scenario in mind for Yuriko. ♡​

As you read, your phone buzzes with another text, this time from Setsuko.

Hi. Can you send me the pics from last night? I want to grind it in that asshole's face. Thanks!​

You decide to check on Mariko, finding her jogging on the treadmill, sweating a bit, her hair done back in a ponytail as she wears a sports bra, a pair of shorts, tennis shoes, and basically nothing else.

There's an mp3 player on the treadmill's controls, playing some j-pop like song about love and loneliness and revenge that you think (from having heard it elsewhere, it's pretty popular) is about a girl having her boyfriend stolen under false premises and then murdering the girl who stole him. It's liked for its more transgressive/controversial aspects, from what you've gathered - the sort of thing people can talk and argue about, like the Forty-Seven Ronin or John Brown.

Mariko hasn't noticed you yet, being absorbed in her exercise.

You send Setsuko the pictures you took last night, before pulling on a hoodie and taking up the dumbbells, doing some upper body exercises. Mariko gives you a little wave as she becomes aware of your presence, and you do your best to work up a sweat. When Mariko finishes, coming to a halt on the treadmill and sucking down some water, you stop as well, pulling off the hoodie and dabbing it at every bit of exposed sweat you can get, including your face, in hope of making it particularly good for Terumi. You then toss it over your shoulder for the moment.

"Hey, Mariko," you say, stepping forward to her.

"Hey, Nanashi," she says, with a small wave. She smiles genuinely, then blushes a bit at some memory before trying to keep her smile plastered on. "How are you doing? School okay? Momo fine? Any problems?"

"Had a bit of a kerfuffle at school, found some guy trying to get this girl to go down on him." Mariko's eyes widen a bit in surprise. "She seemed like the very... submissive, type? Just kind of going along with it, but it was obvious she wasn't very happy with him. I interrupted, he started a fight, I won. He got suspended for a while."

"Well, good work, then," Mariko says, with a warm smile.

"As to Momo, she was absolutely adorable this morning, play-boxing Tora and pretending to be Lady Victory."

"Ugh. That show," Mariko says, long-sufferingly. "She won't shut up about it, she watches every episode and then recounts them in excruciating detail - even if I watch it with her."

You offer a polite laugh of sympathy. "Besides that, how are things with you? Going well?"

"Pretty well, yeah. Been working some excess energy out in the gym. Your dad hasn't been around as much, so I've been pretty antsy," she says, dabbing her neck absently with a towelette. She kicks her legs a little, hopping on her toes. "He's real busy with some work thing, trying to give him some space and be ready when he gets done. Though that's going to be a while," she sighs.

"I could help," you say, giving a long pause. "With your workout," you continue, as she blushes.

"Oh, sure, yeah. Well, I got done with the treadmill," she notes.

"We could wrestle? I'm curious how army combat training compares to kakutogi."

"Sure," she says, with a smile. "Get out the mats, and get ready for some humiliation," she teases, a cocky grin on her lips.

The two of you are soon squared off against one another, her in a combat stance. You move forward, trying to grab her wrist in one hand, but she snaps a chop at your arm, and you have to pull back before she can transition to a grapple. Her smirk grows a little broader. "Scared, kiddo?" She teases. "I am rusty, you could maybe beat me," she taunts. "Course, you'll have to come within my striking range for that."

You surge forward again, and she manages to transition you excellently from a strike into a grapple, her hands around your arm. She flips you over your shoulder onto your back, twists your wrist a bit - enough to force a submission yield, not enough to really hurt unless you yank against it - and her foot is placed on your chest as she stares down at you, smirking. "Or maybe you can't," she tells you.

"Yield," you tell her, and she releases you, taking your hand in hers and helping you up to your feet. "You're good."

"They don't teach you nothing in the KSDF," she tells you, with a smile.

"Mind doing this with me once in a while? Self defense is good, and I won't always have something sword-shaped in hand," you say.

She shrugs. "Sure. Any time. You were alright, you've got good fundamentals. I'm just, you know," she says, with a tilt of her head. "That good." You laugh at the cocky overconfidence she gives off, and she laughs as well. "That obvious, huh? Gotta work at it. Your dad kinda likes it, though," she says, with a small wink.

"It's impressive you stayed in shape, even though you like the easy life."

She shrugs, then stretches a bit. "I like exercise alright, and hey, your dad likes the, mm, contrast to your mom's body. One thing to know about being a mistress -" she starts, giving you a level look, "- never forget what your job is. It's not one with a paycheck or a contract, but it's a job nonetheless. Guess that's not a big issue for you, though, big brain and all."

"I would make a very poor mistress, yeah. Want to take a seat?"

She shrugs and plops down on the bench at the same time as you.

"Speaking of mistresses..." you pause, uncertainly. "I might already have one lined up." She quirks an eyebrow, but lets you continue. "How do you feel about your whole situation here? The household, Momo, living with your lover's wife... just the general thing of it."

"It's good. I'm good with it. At peace. It was sometimes annoying early on, but, yeah. Kimiko and I keep out of each other's hair, I get laid, I get strawberries, my daughter's going to a good school. Definitely better than the KSDF or being a waitress."

"That sounds more like you've accepted an imperfect situation."

She rolls her eyes. "Man, I'm fucking a rich, nice guy, I've got more money than I know what to do with, my house is as big as my old neighborhood, I don't get shot at and I have a nice daughter and a cute... stepson or whatever." She ruffles your hair. "Things are good. This is a good life. I'm happy where I am."

"Any advice for handling more than one woman?"

"Make sure they like each other, I guess. Make sure you've got the money to handle them? Probably best to set up a schedule to make sure you fuck 'em, your dad formalized it after a while. He hasn't exactly been up to the task for the last few days, though."

"If you need help with sexual relief, I'm happy to offer," you say.

She laughs, giving you a little slap on the shoulder. "Ha ha. That sounds like the start of some porno with a title like, My Stepmother Is Hot And My Father Is Absent! Probably not a very good one, either."

"Why would you say that?"

She shrugs. "You need a slower buildup than that, I guess. You just come out with a line like that to a taken woman, you're lucky if she slaps you." She snorts. "Obviously I know that you were just joking, though," she says. She leans over to kiss your cheek before rising from the bench. "Right. I'm gonna go veg out until this afternoon then gorge myself on strawberries and chocolate milk. Peace," she says, with a wave.

You head up to one of the computer rooms, flicking through fictoria to find a couple stories by Kiyomi to read. She updated recently, a short story about some chick being treated like shit after being traumatized. She's some kind of elf thing and she has her ears chopped off and all the elves are mean to her but she meets a nice female human who protects her and helps her out. Another story you briskly read through is about a goddess whose half-god daughter is a beautiful lady of a terrestrial court but then said court gets turned to ash and the goddess just watches as her daughter's life is destroyed. You leave some reviews that are about as insightful as you can get them.

At that point, the alarm you set for your little sisters' date, and you go gather up Momo and Minori, half-dragging their excitable little butts into the car. Minori's blabbering about the battle to Momo in the same breathless tones you'd expect her to talk about God, if Kurogayans were Christians, as you seat the two in the car and tell Shiiro where to go. Momo is clearly only half-listening out of politeness.

You try to gingerly push Minori in the direction of discussing weapons and tactics, prompting her at certain points with "How did they do that, exactly?" As Minori gets into detail about actual specifics of the battle, Momo clearly gets much more interested, though the change flies right by Minori in her hyperexcited state, her leg bouncing as she goes on and on.

When you arrive at the field the KHA booked, it's a pretty big, wide open space, and both girls immediately start trying to drag you towards the a confection dispensary that gives out enormous bags of that koketi thing your mother likes so much. As in, the bags are around the size of your chest.

"I want some of that, it looks yummy!" Momo begins.

"Yeah, Nana-kun, buy it for us!" Minori adds in.

"Alright, I'll buy one bag," you tell them, going up and purchasing the koketi. You pause. "Do you do marshmallow flavor?" You ask, as the bulky, bearded man hands you a bag of baby blue-colored koketi.

"Yeah, why?" He asks.

"I was thinking my mother would like some. She's not here though. Can you keep a bag for me?"

He looks uncertain, until you slide an extra five thousand Y note out of your wallet - normal bags cost two thousand Y. "Sure," he says, with a toothy smile, taking the five thousand Y. "I'll keep a bag in reserve, make sure it's good."

You take the blue-colored bag, purchase some bottled water, and go to the set up benchess, Momo and Minori flanking you. You take a single koketi piece and pop it into Minori's mouth, then repeat the process on Momo, both your sisters happily chewing on it. "We should probably mix this up with some other food," you say, pausing and getting up. The two girls whine, but obediently follow, and you pick up some nice smaller foodstuffs and snacks before returning to your seats, the two girls enjoying their food in the same way a child eating broccoli so he can get pudding would.

The match soon begins, and you continue absently hand-feeding either girl, them learning to just open their mouths wide and expectantly to accept the koketi. It does give you an erection, to see their little tongues hanging out and wagging, eyes glittering with hunger, and you can't help but think about satisfying a certain other kind of hunger with those same holes.

As you reach the two-thirds point of the bag, the mock battle finally begins, and the two girls are briefly distracted. It's loud, fake gunfire roaring and metal clashing against metal, blunted blades slapping armor, guns being fired and abandoned, the maneuver hard to really understand from this distance. "What's going on?" Momo asks quietly.

Minori starts narrating. "So here's where he came in with the surprise ambush from the side, and that's the tiger formation I told you about, 'claws bared,' and there goes the enemy drum-beater, that hurts cohesion, and-" she keeps going on in that vein as the battle continues, Momo nodding along attentively, listening to her younger half-sister and hanging on her every word, Minori happily narrating.

You let Minori go on and on, only occasionally offering your own perspective at lull points. When Minori starts to go on a tangent about peasant farmers towards the end of the Warring States period, you quickly transition that into peasant conscripts sometimes used to bulk up the apparent size of armies, even though they'd quickly melt away in an actual battle. More a psychological maneuver, and not an always effective one, at that.

When the battle ends, you clap Minori on the back and congratulate her on making it interesting on Momo. Her expression gets a little weird, and Momo briefly blushes, but whatever awkwardness is quickly erased as you suggest going down to check out the equipment.

There's guns (the old flintlock kind) and katanas, with Minori excitedly blabbering about each type, and you prodding her to explain how they differ from the actual thing. You're not allowed to touch the weapons, but Minori seems plenty enthused to describe them, and Momo to look. When they start packing up, you head back to the koketi stand and pick up the marshmallow koketi bag for your mother before heading out to meet Shiiro.

"That was so cool!" Momo said. "I liked when they killed the other guys, like, bang splat! Plop! Dead!"

"...there wasn't actually blood, though," Minori says.

"Well, they did really good acting, then!" Momo replies, as she settles into her seat in the car.

"I'm happy that you both enjoyed yourself," you say, grabbing both of them and pulling them into a group hug. "Now, who wants to hit the mall for a very brief moment to pick up a couple gifts for my little sisters?"

Both begin to clamor loudly for various things, and Shiiro just puts up the privacy screen himself, now, shifting direction towards the mall.

You wander the mall, the two excitedly trying to drag you from here to there, but you make them specifically pick something they want and take a hard line. You are under a bit of time pressure, and you half drag Momo to the sport store to pick up new tennis shoes for her, and then head to the bookstore to grab a few history books including one that's apparently quite controversial in the field for Minori. You actually haven't read them yet - they are pretty recent.

In the car, Momo's kicking her feet and Minori's hurriedly reading her new books, devouring both. "Hey, aren't you going to say something to the best big brother ever?" You tease the two - they've thanked you already, but you are feeling a bit neglected.

Both of them yell "Thanks!" quite loudly. Momo even gives you a chaste peck on the cheek before sitting back down and blushing. When you get home, you have to pretty much pick up Fumiko and go.

"So where are we headed, anyway?" Fumiko asks as she clambers into the car. "I told Chou we'd pick her up for dinner, but I don't think you actually said where."

"I was thinking the Razz?" It's sort of upscale, but not quite hoity toity, with more seclusion between diners and some dancing and music. More an occasional treat for middle class folks than the fundamentally upper class Nadeshiko Club.

"That sounds cool. Sometimes people stare at Chou, would hate for her to get bothered by that."

You soon arrive at Chou's house. "Hey, what's up," she says, waving, as she rolls towards the car. Sumiko watches solemnly from the doorway before nodding to you and closing it. You wind up princess carrying Chou inside - the car doesn't have built-in wheelchair access - while Shiiro folds up her chair and puts it in the back. Chou just playfully grabs you. "Oh no, don't drop me," she says, her legs wriggling a bit as she giggles. You place her gingerly down in a seat, and she smiles. "Hey, handsome, and Fumiko," she says. "Where we headed?" She asks, settling into her seat a bit.

"The Razz," Fumiko says.

"Oh, sweet. Hey," she says, turning to give you smirk, "I could show you my dance moves. Maybe steal your heart away from Sumiko?" She laughs. "Just kidding," she says, with an easy smile.

"Nothing could steal the special place in my heart for Sumiko," you tell Chou, with an easy, confident smile. She smiles back, warmly. "But hey, if your moves are good enough, I might have to make some extra room in there for you."

She laughs. "Fumiko's a pretty good dancer too, you gonna have both of us?"

"Maybe," you say. "I've known her for a long time, so she has had an opportunity to grow on me..." you muse.

Fumiko rolls her eyes and whaps you upside the head. "Turn it down Romeo."

You raise your hands defensively. "I'm being beaten by my family members all over the place. It's horrible, isn't it, Chou?"

"I'll bet. I have to really lay the beat down on Sumiko to keep her in line sometimes, though, so I get where Fumiko's coming from," she says, with an absolute deadpan. "Little siblings are the worst, aren't they?"

"Yeah, sometimes," Fumiko says. "He's alright mostly though." She scratches her cheek a little awkwardly.

"C'mon. Don't be all 'buh, he's alright, mostly, I guess,'" she says, feigning slumping over in a depressed manner. "He's your flesh and blood, not to mention handsome and smart. Be a little more excited. Say something nice."

"What, like, 'I'd love to suck his dick'?" Fumiko replies sarcastically.

"Sure. C'mon. Say iiiiitt," she teases. Fumiko rolls her eyes, but smiles a bit at Chou's antics. "There's that frown upside down," she says. "Sometimes you're such a chore to hang with, Fumi-chan."

"Please don't call me that," Fumiko replies evenly.

"Very well, Fumiko Kusakabe-sama," Chou says, bowing her head deeply.

"Can you call me that too? It's kind of a turn-on," you joke.

"Very well," Chou says, bowing her head deeply towards you, "Fumiko Kusakabe-sama, thank you for inviting me out with your sister, Fumiko Kusakabe-sama." Fumiko giggles at that.

"Alright, har har," you say, laughing yourself. "That'll just be confusing."

"Yeah, Nan-chan," she says, punching your upper arm, then pausing to grope it a bit. "Damn, these some muscles. No wonder Sumi-chan started drooling all over you."

The car parks, but you can't really leave it just yet - Shiiro gets out and collects Chou's wheelchair from the trunk. "Thanks. You're not half bad yourself in the muscle department."

She laughs. "Yeah, at least in the upper half." She wriggles her legs weakly, a limp and loose motion. "Down south, boy, don't expect me to do a good cowgirl," she says, with a laugh.

"No need to be quite so crude, Chou," Fumiko says.

"Ah, he likes it. Help me, big boy," she says, as Shiiro opens the door, Chou's wheelchair in front of it. "Carry me like a princess to my steed." You heft her up and gingerly exit the vehicle with her, careful not to bump her head, before placing her in her chair. "You should get wheelchair lifts though, for real," she says, with a little spin in place. "I can do my transfers on my own if there's not three feet of walking."

"Moving in already, huh? I dunno. We Kusakabes are an investment minded family," you say, as the three of you head inside. "Tight with money. I'd need a guarantee of future dates with pretty, flirty, wheelchair-bound girls to hit the break even point."

She laughs. "I ain't asking to have a giggle," she says, as she rolls alongside you.

"Table for three," you say, and are soon seated. Chou transfers herself into a seat next to Fumiko, as the three of you are guided to a booth. "Of course, the other problem with that is that I won't have an excuse to carry you."

Chou smiles. "Positive attitude. Don't worry, I'm sure you can come up with excuses to princess carry me every which way," she says, with a somewhat more serious flirtatiousness - more on the edge of actual interest than her effusive charm.

Fumiko waves over a waiter, and the three of you put in your orders, getting drinks at the same time. The place has "Wesmeri" dishes which you're pretty sure are about as Wesmeri as Taco Bell is Mexican, but you order something that's a third cousin removed from french fries and a burger. The picture looks more like thick potato chips and a sub sandwich with ground beef, though. Well, whatever. You hand over the menu to the waiter.

Chou adjusts, stretching her back a bit. Like this, she's taller than you or Fumiko. "So, how do you occupy yourself in between fucking Sumiko's brains out?" Fumiko chokes a little in surprise, and Chou slaps her on the back. "There there, I know it's hard to know he's taken, but there's no reason to kill yourself."

"High school takes a bunch of time. I'm trying to get properly into the family business, helping my mother with bits and pieces, so Fumiko can live her dream of stabbing people. That kind of thing. I've got to be a responsible little brother."

"I'm sure," Fumiko says in a deadpan, but she is smiling a bit.

"It takes up a lot of time, but I hope I can find time for family. My father's a great example for most things, but he doesn't spend enough time with his family. Besides that... I do enjoy seducing pretty older sisters with good food and dancing."

Chou blushes ever so slightly, but her lips just curl into a confident smirk. "I'll bet. You're probably beating them off with a stick."

"I'd rather they beat me off," you say, and she laughs and rolls her eyes.

"At an eleven, pull it down to a seven or so," Chou says, signalling with her hand. "Don't want to come on too strong, could scare somebody off."

"Sorry, you just have this... glow to you," you say.

"That's more like it. Tell me about this 'glow,'" she demands, with her chin raised.

"Like you're really happy and alive in a way that's infectious," you tell her, and she blushes and smiles.

"That's true," Fumiko offers, and your food arrives, the waiter putting it all down. "You've got this whole schtick, mega-happy chick."

"I'd say joyous beauty, but something like that," you agree.

"Alright, now stop double teaming me, I don't work from both ends, you know," she says, as she starts to dig into her own meal, what looks like just a bowl of ground up beef or some other meat, seasoned with red sauce and rice.

Fumiko takes a slurp of her drink, burping audibly before digging into what she's got. It's these little cheese balls surrounded in fried bread, or something to that effect. "Wanna try one?" She offers.

"Sure, hit me," you say, and she picks it up. You open your mouth, and make sure to suckle and lick on her fingers for just a second as she puts it in. She blushes at that, quickly pulling her hand back and wiping her hand on her napkin. It's tasty - salty and cheesy, in a nice, chewy way that you don't just swallow after a second. "'s good," you tell her, with a smile.

Chou swallows and waves at Fumiko. "Hit me up too, if you'll share."

"Oh, uh, sure," Fumiko says. Chou opens her mouth, and you get a profile view of her face, mouth open, tongue lolling out. When Fumiko puts the cheese ball in her mouth, Chou grasps her wrist and holds her there, eyes locking on hers as she suckles on Fumiko's index and middle fingers, with a sensual, slow movement. Fumiko blushes, and Chou lets her go, smiling as she chews. "Good stuff," she says, turning to you with a cocky little wink, like seducing Fumiko was a competition and she was the clear winner.

You raise an eyebrow, then take one of your potato wafers and lean towards Chou. She opens her mouth teasingly, and you place it on her tongue - but your hand remains in her mouth, gently running along her tongue, teasing it. She blushes as she shivers a bit and pulls back, some of the wafer out of her mouth - she tears it in half and chews the half in her mouth before following it up with the other half.

"You're both amazing girls, really. Fumiko, I know I don't say it enough, but I really admire your diligence and hard working nature. When you have a goal, you just strive towards it." You turn back to Chou, who's still chewing her potato wafer. "I really love your upbeat nature, Chou, it's incredibly infectious."

She blushes a bit, chewing down. "Now you're getting too intense again. Eleven to seven," she warns.

"Sure. How are you guys doing in classes?" You use as a conversational topic, eating with them, and you listen dutifully. Both are doing fairly well, nothing too interesting, a couple mentions of some funny anecdote from one of their shared classes that makes them both laugh but you not really get it. When you're done eating, the food having had a chance to settle in, you hear a good song come on. "Come on, let's dance," you say, and Chou transfers into her wheelchair and follows you out.

Dancing with a girl in a wheelchair is a little different - you don't really have the same control over her movements, but she clearly knows the moves, by the way she emulates what she should be doing. Where you might spin her, she has to do it, but she does it quickly and well, spinning in place, a big grin on her features as she looks up at you, more than a head shorter than you in her chair. You switch to dance with your sister at the next song, then let the two dance together, earning a joking grin from Chou, and finally dance with Chou again.

"You've got good moves," Chou says, smiling. "Makes me regret not dancing more."

You flash her a winning smile. "You're not bad yourself."

When the next song comes up, it's a slow one, and you take your sister and pull her into an intimate hold, causing her to blush - but she steps along with you, dancing to the rhythm of the music. You rub your body against hers, placing your hand on the small of her back, teasing her, rubbing her breasts against your chest. It's intimate, intense, and it has the intended effect when, towards the end of her dance, her legs go shaky and she lets out a little whimper, eyelids fluttering erotically as a bit of drool splashes out onto your shoulder. She pulls back, blushing red, stumbling to a seat which she soon takes, looking incredibly embarrassed. Chou just looks confused.

You give Chou a confident smirk before returning to you table, sitting down next to Fumiko. Chou rolls over and hops into your former seat. "Guess you got a little tuckered out, huh?" Chou says.

"Y-yeah," Fumiko breathes, blushing. "Must have practiced too much earlier today," she adds, with a little laugh. She looks at you nervously, still flush with color.

"I have that effect," you say, and Fumiko blushes brighter at that. You wave for the waiter and order a round of drinks. Fumiko orders something alcoholic and downs it quickly and thoroughly, making Chou look a bit concerned at her.

"You alright, Fumi-chan?" She leans forward.

"Yeah. Fine. Just... need to jump start my system, I guess," she says, with a little laugh. "Sorry. Kinda killing the mood..." she mumbles.

"Hey, can't kill the mood, Nan-chan and I care about your feelings, yeah? So caring about your feeling's part of the mood. Now come on. Want to hear a funny joke?"

Fumiko frowns, but nods.

"Girl in a wheelchair tries to get on a plane. Can't, because it's at too high of an incline."

You can't help but laugh at that. Fumiko just looks confused.

"Damn, normally that line kills."

"Three statisticians are hunting a rabbit. The first shoots too high. The second shoots too low. The third says, 'we got him!'" Chou laughs at that, and Fumiko still seems confused.

"Oh no, now I've got you in stereo," she moans, flumping forward onto the table.

"Sorry. Guess we should probably call it a night, I'll call Shiiro."

"Thanks," she sighs.

You pull out your phone, absently ignore the fourteen unread texts from Terumi, and call up Shiiro. "Hey, come pick us up, yeah," you say, as Chou transfers into her wheelchair once more. "Should be here in ten," you say, as you hang up.

"Cool," Chou says, rolling her shoulders. She gestures for you to get out of the way, then reaches forward to grasp Fumiko around the hips and drag her into her wheelchair. It requires a surprising amount of agility and reach, but somehow she pulls it off. "Wheelchair ride until you stop being a sourpuss," she orders, making Fumiko giggle. She can't actually move without releasing her grip on Fumiko. Finally Fumiko calms down in Chou's lap, and Chou starts wheeling her out, still riding atop her. You walk alongside them. Chou's pace is slowed only moderately by the additional weight of another girl on her lap - a testament to her upper body strength.

Soon enough, the three of you are in the car, Fumiko's awkwardness over her little 'accident' forgotten.

"Anywhere else you two would like to go?"

"I got to be getting home, sorry," Chou says. "Love to stay and play, but, yanno," she says, with a shrug.

"Yeah, I kinda want to take a long shower," Fumiko says, blushing.

"Alright then. Shiiro?" He responds with an affirmative grunt and the car heads to drop Chou off, then the two of you at home. Fumiko practically soars up to her room and personal shower, leaving you alone, the day almost over. You grab the bag of koketi you got for mom, still set closed.

You collect one of her nicer bottles of wine, as well as a glass, and place them and the koketi bag next to the hot tub, which you also turn on. You find your mother in her office, rubbing her forehead at some difficult problem. You lean over her, glancing at it. Not the sort of thing you could sort out quickly. "Maybe take a break, sleep on it?" You suggest.

She startles at your voice, realizing that you're present. "Oh, Nan-chan," she says, with a tired smile. "I didn't see you there. Maybe you're right," she says. "It's not urgent."

"I have the hot tub warming up for you, and a little extra surprise, if you come enjoy a one on one soak with your special little boy."

She smiles warmly. "You are such a wonderful boy," she says, patting your cheek. "I'll go get my bikini."

You grab your swim trunks yourself, changing into them and getting settled in. Kimiko smiles as she sees your topless body, her own bare stomach and lovely body gorgeous, made all the moreso by the skimpy black bikini she's wearing. By this world's standards, it's fairly normal, but damn if it doesn't accentuate her curves. The size of the part covering her breasts probably isn't as big as the palm of your hand.

She notices the koketi and the wine and smiles brighter, entering and soaking in the tub with a sigh. "Mm, koketi, Maribian wine, and a lovely boy in a tub with me." She laughs. "Feels like back in college," she says, removing one piece of koketi and popping it in her mouth, her eyes practically lidding with pleasure. "Mm, you are a very good boy."

"Care for a massage, mother?"

"Oh, you are just pampering me," she says, with a little laugh. She turns around, offering you her backside.

You get up behind her, a certain trepidation in your body. This is very nearly the point of no return, where she could fall in love with you. If you make her come again... well... she'll fall in love and lust with you, assuming she really isn't getting it on the regular from your dad these past few days. Your hands reach out, and you press your thumbs against her shoulders, making her sigh and close her eyes. She shivers as you rub your thumbs into knots of muscles, as you lean over her, your breath hot on her neck, on her shoulders.

Then she orgasms, spasming in your grasp, a low, hot breath escaping her lips. She goes still, calm, as you gingerly rub her back. She's not trying to hide it, really, it's more like she's considering some thought in her mind. She glances over her shoulder at you, and now there's something new in her eyes as she notices your bare chest, her tongue absently running along her upper lip. She checks her watch, then smiles. "That was good, Nan-chan. Now let me do you," she says, turning around to face you. "Turn around."

You turn around, offering her your backside, and she moves up behind you, running her fingers along your chest and torso absently, not even really with any kind of massaging intent. It's more like she's feeling you out, but you don't mind, especially not given those wonderful tits of hers are pressed up against your backside. She breathes into your neck, the feeling tickling, as one hand rubs your chest and the other slides down your stomach, towards your swimming trunks. It gets inside, and slides around your very erect cock, starting to jerk you off slowly. "You seem big down here," she breathes. "Do you want Mommy to make it better?"

You nod, pretending to be at a loss for words as she starts to jerk you off, delicate fingers stroking you beneath the water. Her breasts press against your back, and she starts to kiss your neck. "You're my perfect Nan-chan," she breathes, her fingers sliding up and down your cock. "So perfect..." she sighs, succulently. "I don't know how I never saw it before. You're handsome, smart, kind, diligent, responsible." She kisses your neck again, suckling at your flesh, as her fingers grow swifter on your dick, her thumb rubbing alongside the back of your cock.

You swallow, playing into the scenario that she's constructing in her mind, where she's seducing you. She giggles, the frames of her glasses briefly touching your chin and earlobe.

"Don't worry, Nan-chan," she says. "Mommy will take care of it." Her fingers speed up on your cock, her free hand doing little circles around your nipple as she sucks on your neck. "Mommy will take good care of it. You're going to come for Mommy, aren't you?" She asks, and you nod quickly. "Good boy. That's my good boy. Let Mommy take care of you." You release, letting her fingers work complete, and ejaculate into your swim trunks, some of it swirling out in the water before being sucked up by the self-cleaning part of the tub. Kimiko sighs happily. "There you go," she breathes. "If you ever get backed up, you can tell me, and I'll take care of it." She pops her hand up out of the water, licking it clean, eyeing you lustfully as she does so, before pulling back.

"I'm really backed up today," you tell her. "That's not nearly enough to satisfy me."

She pauses momentarily, seeming to consider it like a mathematics problem. She glances to the outdoor shower room, used to wash off the chlorine sometimes. "Okay. I'll take care of it, don't worry," she says. She kisses your neck, and then rises, coming out of the hot tub. "Follow me, Nan-chan."

You follow. The shower room is bigger than a typical shower - more like the size of a small room in a normal house, with several shower hoses and tiled floor. It has a pair of glass doors, but a lock and blinds for privacy. She uses both, clicking the lock shut and putting the blinds in place. "Sit," she says, pointing to the tiled little step that's for taking a seat and relaxing on, and you do so. She kneels between your thighs. "Let Mommy take care of you with her mouth, okay, sweetie?" She starts pulling down your swim trunk as she speaks, and takes in a deep breath through her nostrils as she sees your cock. "You're much bigger than your father," she breathes.

You just relax and let her go, staring down at her. She pushes up her glasses and tucks her hair behind her ear before kissing your cockhead tenderly, tongue snaking out as she runs along your ridge, eyes closing for a moment as she does so. It's a teasing, tantalizing movement, slow and ponderous yet painfully erotic, before she finally runs her tongue back up to your slit, lapping at it a couple times before kissing your cock and wrapping her lips around you. She slides her head slowly down to the base, and you groan a bit at the sensation.

She's laborious, slow, careful, taking her time. She hums, to add to your pleasure, as she twists her head back and forth. You reach down for her head, not to force her further down, but simply to gingerly massage her scalp, fingers running along her skin. Her eyes flick up to you, a cute smile visible in them, and she finally plugs your cock all the way into her mouth. Her hips jerk a bit in a small orgasm as your balls slap at her chin, and she lets out a moan before starting to slide off, her tongue slithering this way and that as she slowly pulls up. Her hand reaches for your balls, playing with them, making you groan a bit further, your fingers tensing for a moment.

She pops off your cock, and you breathe in relief. One hand comes up to jerk you off, her thumb running along the underside of your cock, her eyes focused on you, staring up at you through those lovely square-framed glasses she wears, her dark hair playing around her shoulders. "You're big, Nan-chan," she says, a little drool falling from her mouth, and she blushes and wipes at it, slurping it back up. "You taste good, too. Is Mommy's mouth good for her special boy?" She asks, smiling up at you.

"Very good," you tell her, and her smile grows warmer, more confident. Then she starts to slide down your cock again, slowly engulfing you to the base, her tongue working you. You reach for one of her hands, lacing your fingers together with hers, gripping it, as she slides down to the base. She's a bit faster this time, humming softly, and she glances up at you before pulling up again. Her eyes lid as she starts to facefuck your cock, in languid strokes at first, tongue slithering here and there, then faster, and faster.

When she's at about one second per bob, she orgasms with your cock in her throat, burying herself to the base and moaning on your dick, closing her eyes. Her glasses have slid down her nose a bit, but are largely in place. When she comes down from her orgasm, she slides up, then slams down, humping up and down your cock at an ever quicker pace, moaning in pleasure. Her glasses go a bit askew, one of the edges popping off her ear, as she fucks your cock recklessly. When she hits base, she tries to use your pelvis to push them back on, and you groan. "Fuck, that's good, Mom," you tell her, as her nostrils smush against your body, her eyes closing as she moans on your dick in yet another orgasm, thrashing a bit on your cock, her hard nipples visible through the fabric of her bikini.

She pops off, breathing heavily, fingers twitching a bit as she fits her glasses back on. "That's my favorite boy," is all she says before sliding back down, engulfing you again. She starts to furiously fuck your cock, her glasses going askew as she moans, and you reach down for her tits with both hands, groping their fullness. She moans a bit, orgasming, her juices spilling down onto the tile floor as they soak down her thighs, her eyes closing.

"You're incredible, Mom," you tell her, and she blushes. "God, you're gorgeous. Really, incredibly so," you tell her, and her blush gets bigger, her mouth still held around your dick, her tits in either of your hands, you pinching her nipples a bit. "This is so good, I think you might ruin me for other girls," you breathe, before she comes again, spasming beneath you.

She's dedicated, though, not stopping for this orgasm, starting to slither her mouth up. Her eyes close and she just breathes around your dick, her warm breath tickling it and adding something, before she shoves herself back down. Up and down, hard thrusts, hot breathing as she gasps and pants, before slamming your cock back into her throat. It's erotic and intense, making you groan, and she clearly is enjoying herself too, by the way her eyes roll up. On her tenth or eleventh orgasm, her glasses are pushed so far askew that they simply pop off, clattering to the ground noisily. She briefly tries to retrieve them, twisting your dick a bit in her throat, but it would force her to take your cock out of her mouth, so she decides against it.

"Tho muth bepper tham yoor father," she mumbles giddily on your dick, her nostrils flaring in excitement before she shoves you back down to the base, holding herself there, hands grasping your thighs and gripping. She mumbles a bit into your dick, but it's completely unintelligible, her nostril simply pressed into your pubes as she takes you entirely to the base, her eyes closing, her expression full of concentration. She orgasms like that, hips jerking, a low moan escaping her lips, but she maintains her position in spite of it, her grip on your thighs growing more intense.

She chokes herself on your cock, starting to sputter as she holds herself there, her throat coiling around the unwanted obstruction, before you finally groan and start to spray cum right down her throat. At that point she slurps backwards, tongue slithering along your base until just your cockhead is in her mouth. You fire nice, thick spurts into her mouth, and she moans delightfully at the taste, seeming to rejoice in it, closing her eyes and simply accepting it passively.

When you're completely exhausted, she pops off, swilling your cum in her mouth. "Tho tathy," she mumbles.

Your mother seems to finish swilling your cum, swallowing audibly. She collects her glasses from where they've fallen and sits next to you, gingerly laying your head down into her lap, tucking your cock in and tugging you your swim trunks. She gently runs her finger along the outline of your ear. "I love you, Nan-chan," she tells you. Her scent is thick in your nostrils, a sort of floral, wet smell, like a mix of morning dew and flowers.

"I love you too, Mom," you tell her, and she smiles out of the corner of your eye. The two of you are in your swimsuits, but you're so close, so intimate. "You were the first woman I ever saw and thought was beautiful in the whole world," you tell her, and twist a little so you can see her girlish blush, the way she touches her cheek in glowing pleasure at the compliment. Her fingers slide around to your lips running along them gently, and you suckle on them, letting them pop into your mouth.

"I'm glad to hear that, Nan-chan," she says, as her fingers gently play with and tease your tongue in your mouth. Fortunately, the male tongue doesn't seem to be an erogenous zone like the female one, or you'd be jerking a bit. She pulls her fingers out, cupping your cheek, smiling tenderly down at you.

"I'm glad we're so close that we can love each other like this," you tell her.

She blushes a bit brighter. Then she sems to make a decision, gingerly lifting your head up towards hers and pressing her lips to yours. Her tongue goes wild in your mouth, and it's an impassionate, sloppy wet tongue kiss, with drool splashing down onto her tits. You have to twist and shuffle a bit to get yourself comfortable, but her loving moans as she grasps either side of your face is plenty enough to make you appreciate the kiss. Then she lets go. "You can't ever tell your father about this," she whispers, expression serious.

"I understand," you say, with a nod. "This is a secret between just the two of us." She nods herself. "Besides, don't worry. I haven't had a proper conversation with him in years."

She offers a wan smile, glancing to the side. "He has been busy..." she sighs, shaking her head, giving you a swat on the ass. "Get going, go to your room. I need to wash up, you made me come a lot," she tells you, with a smile.

"Okay, Mom," you tell her, heading to the door. She stands herself, taking one of the shower heads. You pause for a moment. "I love you, Mom."

She smiles. "I love you too, Nan-chan. Now go." She turns on the shower head, waiting for it to warm before running it along her stomach and thighs. You pull back the blinds, unlock the door, and head up to your room. You've dried off by this point, only a bit of wetness on your (secure in your swim trunks) dick, so you can just head up to your room and go to bed.