
We didn't go home, we were sitting in Braai Republic eating and reading through the files by ourselves. Every bit of this case was interesting. Plus this is the biggest case that will go unsolved in Seoul within the years if the deaths and killings keep growing. The pictures show that the person or people killing are perfectionists, neat freaks, and amazingly intelligent.

Deaths scattered with no pattern or even connection to each other. Scattered across the map of Seoul with no specific way to maybe even try to locate them by kills being close together. Bodies are lying peacefully usually pretty pale. Bodies cleaned and seemed treated well. No raping or any other injuries. Marks usually start to scab by then but still no DNA left behind. A drop of the victim's blood right below the collar bone, the same place for every victim. That's the only connection, the small drop of their blood. They gave us a hard drive of the security camera footage with each death labeled. Now that I think about it, they probably choose random targets within the streets and just go for it. But why are they killing?

"Jiho, you have your computer?"

I look at him and while he's shoving a piece of meat in his mouth he hums in response still scanning over the case files.

"In the car's backseat, you can get it."

Jiho places his car keys on the table and I just smile and nod.

I walk out of the restaurant unlocking his car doors. I shove myself in the back seat and let my eyes wander in search of his Mac book. I saw oil paints, papers, a jacket or two, a mug, and 2 other things that really caught my eye. One was a leather pack. I didn't really want to open it but I saw something in it, something shiny. The other thing was White Spirit. That chemical water that was used to clean oil paint but also the bodies of the victims.

Though these things intrigued me I saw the laptop so I grab it jumping out of the car and locking it for safety. I head back inside to see Jiho still overlooking the case.

"I found it, lets grab the harddrive for the first case reported and look at what they show."

Jiho nodded then grabbed the harddrive.

He opens his laptop then logs in. Plugging in the harddrive he smiles and shoves more meat in his mouth while pressing the file.

We watched each camera view for the night of March 26th, 2019. The beginning of the cases. We watched and watched to see someone covered themselves well. Black everything. Mostly slipping past the camera view, just a little bit of them showed. The body looked feminine but also manly. From the side, it looked like a flat-chested girl wearing clothes too big to most likely cover insecurities she has, but when I saw the back it had broad enough shoulders to be a man. That's all we got except for the hair. Short, boy short in fact. But short hair or even long hair amongst both genders is becoming rapidly normal here so that doesn't help much either.

I stop the video and close the computer looking at Jiho. I want to ask him questions about what's in his car and why, but I left it alone for now.

"That's enough for now, let's head back home."

Jiho nods quickly asking for the check.