Crimson Scale City (Edited)

The rest of the trip was thankfully uneventful besides viewing a small band of demonic beasts avoiding their caravan much to the appreciation of everyone involved. For Noxtis' part, he woke up the next morning after the ambush. While his shoulder was still a bit stiff, with the application of the healing herbs and his overall sturdy body, he ended up healing from most of his wounds within a couple of days.

With the city soon to be on the horizon, the excitement from all the disciples was palpable. Even Embervesent was bouncing in her fluffy seat while looking out at the window and rubbing her belly. Scrunching his brow in confusion, Noxtis just shrugged and looked out the window array in the direction where the Crimson Scale City should be.

As if getting some sort of call, Ember suddenly dragged Noxtis with her out of their room and towards the front of the carriage. Elder Gundlach handed Embervesent a small bar with several markings covering the surface. "I need to head to the Tribe to report to your Grandfather, I shall leave it to you for the rest of the trip."

Seeing Embervesent nod, Elder Gundlach leaped from the carriage and headed quickly towards a section of the humongous city. A cushioned bench was situated behind the two draco-colts, Embervesent sat down and patted the spot next to her for Noxtis. Picking up the reigns left by Elder Gundlach, Ember smiled as she cracked them lightly and skillfully guided them towards the city at a brisk pace.

Sitting down, Noxtis marveled at the incredible speed that Elder Gundlach was able to move. Giant puffs of dust and earth exploded behind his every step as he quickly became a smaller and smaller dot in the distance.

Having never seen a city before, Noxtis eagerly awaited the moment when it would come into view.

Seeing the genuine excitement from her partner, an unfamiliar warmth grew in her chest as Ember smiled. "We should be close to the city by now. While I was born in this place, the majesty and enormity of it still amazes me from time to time. Ahh, here it is. Crimson Scale City, the largest city in the Sol Continent."

Just in the distance, a reddish structure emerged from the horizon. As if knowing they were about to arrive as well, the draco-colts sped up as the line of carriages moved along the path. What started off as a small red structure in the distance rapidly came into Notis' view to be larger and larger.

Even from as far away as they were, the city walls were already taller than that of the village meeting-house stacked. Across the top of the walls were evenly spaced out crimson towers that overlooked a section of the wall with what looked to be guards manning both the towers and patrolling between them.

"Whoa...I had no idea that a place could be so enormous..."

Drinking in the view, Noxtis saw the road approach a large set of metallic gates. One of the gates was much larger than the other. Behind the larger gate stood a myriad of different vehicles, mounts, and beastkin all chatting amongst one another in somewhat peaceful chaos.

As for the other gate, it was much smaller than the other but it currently had no one lined up in front of it and was much more ornate than that first gate. It was then that Noxtis realized that they weren't traveling to the end of the massive line and instead going to the empty second gate which was still heavily guarded.

"Is this gate for special guests?"

Shrugging, Embervesent responded plainly. "Kind of? Besides the main gates that everyone else has to travel through, there is a secondary one that is for use of the Four Great Tribes. While generally anyone that is part of the Great Tribes can enter through those four gates, those that have special tokens can also use them. But usually, those are given out very rarely."

"Even big merchant groups and warbands?"

Nodding in confirmation, Embervesent showed her identification to the dragonkin guard stationed at the gate who promptly let them through with a salute.

Looking at her awestruck partner, Ember laughed and slung her arm around his shoulders. "Pretty amazing huh?"

Nodding in response, Noxtis kept looking at all the different sights and sounds of such a large and intimidating place could be. Especially with the backdrop of the large mountain range being the only thing in the area larger than the city. "How is the city so large? Does the Crimson Scale tribe really control such a place?"

Debating on whether or not to divulge the situation surrounding the city, Ember shrugged and told Noxtis anyway. "Yes and no, the Crimson Scale Tribe does hold a major part of the control, trade, and security among other things, they do not have complete authority since it would be difficult to oversee such a large city with just the manpower and resources of a single tribe.

Three of the more powerful tribes of the Sol continent contributed to the construction and operations of the city and have certain liberties within and outside of the city such as shops, restaurants, and other less public attractions.

Each tribe usually stays within its own section of the city but all contribute to its security and trade. Healthy competition in cultivation and trade has played a big part in the growth of the city as a whole. Crimson Scale City is practically the center point of the Sol continent and brings in beastkin from all over. Even those from other continents visit, but very rarely.

Of course, there will always be disputes and shady operations in any city unless they cross the line of the Tribe Leaders they are usually tame. And while there are 4 major tribes that control the majority of the city space, there are a few clans that have a portion dedicated for their own devices as well as an area where merchants from any tribe can set up shop that no tribe has control over to better foster the trade and bring beastkin into the city."

With their caravan being led through the large gate without having to wait in line due to their status, Noxtis kept looking around at the lavish buildings sprawled around the area. "So are there any famous places for cultivators and other stuff? If the merchant faction is as large part of the tribe as you say, there must be some sort of trade hub or something to find our necessary ores and such."

"Hmmm, it would be easier to explain the layout and tribes to get a better understanding. As I said before, the Crimson Scale Tribe holds roughly 40% of the city as their territory while the Frost Wolves of the north, Storm Crows of the east, and Blood Claws of the south split roughly 50% and the last 10% is held by a variety of less influential tribes and organizations such as merchant groups and Wartribes.

The Crimson Scale tribe has their Martial and Merchant sectors with their other businesses in the west side of the city. While the other tribe's businesses are located within their respective cardinal directions. Their respective academies are not allowed within the city for obvious reasons but are instead located near their own tribal areas.

Anyway getting to the good part, in the center of the city is more of an agreed-upon neutral zone that houses the largest auction house and the more lavish trade areas. While the auction house is technically controlled by the Crimson Scale Tribe and is named as such, each tribe makes sure they respect the neutrality and have no unreasonable sway over what can or cannot be auctioned.

Besides trading being neutral, respecting privacy and fairness has made the Red Drake Auction House the best place to auction off more valuable goods. In fact with the merchant sector coming back from their various trips across Sol, the city is preparing the annual auction which is one of the most important events for the city hence the long line outside of the city's various gates."

"So is the auction where we are hoping to find our sword spirit stuff? I'm not sure how much the Cultivation Technique will sell for and how much the ore will cost if it even shows up."

"Maybe...but I plan on visiting Grandfather first and talk with him about this whole situation and see if we can find the materials in the tribe's coffers first. Plus..."


Looking at one another as the loud echoing sound of hungry bellies came from both of them. They both laughed while Embervesent shyly directed the carriage to be dropped off in front of the Crimson Scale Tribe's merchant sector.

After saying their goodbyes to the other disciples, Embervesent took Noxtis' hand and almost dragged him along through the city. "We can go sightseeing later, right now I am sure you know that we both could use some much-needed food in our tummies. And I know just the place we can go!"

Patting his unruly stomach, Noxtis agreed while speeding up to keep pace with the fiery-haired dragonkin beauty.