Essence of the 4 Seasons (Edited)

Parting ways from the other merchant disciples, Noxtis was led through the city, or rather dragged, by Embervesent. Unsurprisingly, as they walked through the streets, Noxtis saw the streets packed with beastkin of many different bloodlines who were excitedly shopping and traveling.

Occasionally Noxtis would see a group of patrolling dragonkin wearing bright crimson-colored armor that kept order. Whenever the shopping beastkin noticed the crimson robes and iconic crimson dragon sigil of the Crimson Scale Tribe, they quickly made way which saved them a lot of trouble as they headed to their destination.

"This city is so big, I have never seen so many shops and beastkin in one place before. I feel like we have been walking for hours now."

Ember looked at the dazed expression of her partner and couldn't help but smile. Even though she was born in this city and had the status and ability to roam around as much as she liked, there were probably places she has never been to before and the city changed all the time anyway. She didn't have much time recently to explore with her training, but even she was excited to see the city and all the beastkin from time to time.

"You think what you've seen is a lot, we haven't even seen much of the city at this point. We haven't even seen much of the Crimson Scale district yet. But don't worry about it too much, I know this is can be a lot to take in all at once, even I haven't visited everywhere in the city; those that are open to the public and disciples of course."

Despite being a bit overwhelmed by everything, Noxtis appreciated that Ember had slowed down to let him soak in the sights, she still traveled with a brisk pace clearly with a destination in mind. "So where are we going to eat again? You seem pretty excited about it."

Having to dodge the large groups of visitors even with her status as a Crimson Scale Disciple, Ember's stomach rumbled as the thought of the delicacies that they were about to feast on made her salivate. "One of the best places in the entire city, it's a little place near the border between Crimson Scale area and the Frost Wolf area."

"Oh really? What's the place called? And what makes it so good?"

"The restaurant goes by the name Essence of the 4 Seasons, and they provide a menu based on whatever is in season. It's owned by a Dragonkin and Wolfkin couple that does all the cooking themselves. I've been going to them since I was a little whelpling. They are friends of my grandfather. Uncle Wurino's Ice Fudge Dream is to die for! You're not allowed to touch mine by the way."

*rumble* As if agreeing with Embervesent's statement before it had even tried it, Noxtis' stomach roared out. "Ugh, you're only making me more hungry! How much longer till we get to this mythical restaurant?"

Laughing brightly at their self-inflicted torments of food, they sped up their pace much to the displeasure of a roaming cabbage seller who they, unfortunately, bumped into and tossed all their produce onto the ground.


After walking through a couple of long streets with the crowd thinning out considerably, the duo arrived at a smallish place that looked more like a two-story home than a restaurant. A few beastkin were seen coming in and out of the first floor and a cheerful and warm feeling exuded from the patrons and the environment.

"Huh, from how amazing you said this place is, I'm surprised it isn't swarming with beastkin."

Stopping for a moment as she was about to enter, Ember grabbed Noxtis' shoulders tightly and looked at him with an extremely serious gaze. "I almost forgot, but you better be on your best behavior. The reason why this haven of food isn't swamped with customers is because of the owners.

They are...very peculiar about how they run their restaurant, they will ban anyone who disturbs their shop and there have been plenty of ignorant people who have been thrown out for demanding food faster or disrupting other customers who are already seated.

Aside from that, the times when they are open or not can depend on their mood. Sometimes they would be open every day for weeks and then take a month's vacation. Their prices aren't too bad considering how amazing they are. But believe me when I say if you get the owners irritated they might stop cooking for the day and the customers would be first in line to skin you alive.

Of course, despite the requirements that seem overbearing. They are easy to get along with if you aren't on their bad side. Plus the food speaks for itself and is why it is the most respected eating establishment. They have food that caters not only to the general beastkin populace but also to the great tribes, top warbands, and even some world renown beastkin have come by here every now and then to sample any new creations they might have whipped up."

"...maybe I should go eat somewhere else then...I would hate to make enemies just to eat some food."

"Request denied." Pulling Noxtis into the restaurant, Ember greeted a couple of the other customers who had recognized the fiery lady who was a regular while tossing questioning gazes at Noxtis who was being dragged along.

Since the two young beastkin didn't really do anything to hide their entrance, many of the patrons noticed their presence. One dark-brown furred monkeykin elbowed his scaly friend next to him and whispered. "Who's the cub? I didn't know of anyone who was that close to the Flame Princess. Much less a male beastkin of a different bloodline. You think she finally got herself some action?"

Slapping the monkeykin, the lizardkin shushed the chatty primate immediately. "Ssshut up you dimwit! Don't dare ssspeak like that or you'll be breathing out of an inssscription array. You must be new here. Haven't you heard what happened to Jimmy? He got beaten senselessly for making lewd remarks toward the little miss. And the guards did absssolutely nothing; hell, it looked like they wanted to join in.

Although, now that you mention it, I've never ssseen her be ssso friendly to anyone outssside of the ownersss and her grandfather. I wonder where ssshe picked up this male from...they do look very lovey-dovey."

Suddenly, a calloused palm death-gripped the shoulders of the two chatty patrons. "Ohhh, so someone thinks they can talk about my dear niece like that huh? You both must be quite brave to do that here. I think you both forgot the rules of this establishment.

One, guests should always leave with a satisfied stomach and an empty platter.

Two, guests should behave on the restaurant floor. That includes no outside food, no fights, and no deadly weapons or inscriptions.

Three, never insult the chefs or related family.

Now, I think you should leave before you become charred meat. Do. You. Under. Stand?"

Craning his head over, the patron was faced with the sight of a smiling female dragonkin dressed in a long auburn beastleather apron spotted with a few splotches of flour. Cursing his poor luck and immediately regretting saying anything at all, the patron quickly left before he did anything more to incur the shop lady's ire.

Cowering their seats, the two patrons gulped down their meals with tears running down their faces as they felt the increasingly powerful claws on their shoulders. After finishing their meals, they left a generous tip of all their current pocket coins and left with two smoking palm prints etched onto their clothing.

Ignoring the two comments of the two patrons who were leaving at a breakneck pace, Ember ran up to hug the female chef. "Auntie Velnarra! I missed you so much! How have you been? Is Uncle Wurino treating you well? I'm STAR-VING after coming back from the trip. The meals you packed me just don't have the same feel as fresh from the cooks."

With her previous stern demeanor completely disappearing, Velnarra returned the hug with warmth. "Didn't I tell you to call me Vel? You're going to make me feel old bat. I've been good, business as usual. I've been working on a new dish if you'd like to try it. As for ol' wolf, he is doing fine when he isn't getting on my nerves. Although he is putting on some 'weight', and not in a good way. If you know what I mean."

A chilling grumble came from the kitchen. "I heard that!"

Cupping her hands, Velnarra replied while grinning. "Love you too dear!"