Beastking Tourney: End of First Stage (Edited)


A metallic-tipped arrow sped through the air and impaled itself deeply into the hide of a Faux savage beast. Crying out, the faux savage collapsed on the ground showing three other arrows sprouting out from different areas on its body.

The sound of clapping sounded out. "Nice job Jenny! I told you archery would be a good fit for you. That should make it just enough to finish up your one hundred medals."

Twitching her bushy amber tail nervously, Jenny wiped the sweat that had accumulated on her brow and breathed a deep sigh of relief.

"Thanks, Noxtis, and everyone else of course. I didn't think I would ever have a chance at completing the first stage without your help."

An onyx tail swished around playfully as Noxtis shook his head.

"It's quite alright, with the four of us together it wasn't too difficult to gather the necessary medals. However; as we agreed, you needed some better battle experience if you want to do decently well in the next stage."