Unyielding Beastking Tourney: First Stage (Edited)

Opening his eyes slowly, Noxtis found himself flat on his back staring up at a soaring canopy overhead which largely blocks the vision from up above. Only a scant few rays of light was able to pierce through.

Feeling no pain, but rather a slight discomfort in his stomach (most likely from the transportation inscription, or whatever it was). Sitting up gradually, Noxtis warily surveyed the area around him.

For as far as he could see in every direction, enormous tree trunks dotted the landscape. Each tree towered into the sky, their branches thicker than any tree he had come across thus far and their trunks so thick that not many buildings could not match their sheer size. Their roots sprawled across the uneven ground, veritable hills in their own right. No sight of the other beastkin contestants or any other creatures for that matter.