Shadowflame vs Frozen Blizzard

As much as he enjoyed playing around, Noxtis knew that now was not the time to mess around. Both Isolde and Jack are strong, very strong enemies for both of them and this fight would not end quickly even with the wound he had managed to give to the female frost wolf. Slowing his speed and allowing Ember to catch up, she led the charge as the distance between them and the frost wolf pair shortened rapidly.

Knowing that they would prepare for the worst at the very start, Embervesent decided to not use her Searing Point. It was still a bloodline technique that required some setup and took a large amount of anima, not only that but with both frost wolves prepared with thick ice armor, it may not even inflict enough damage to either to be worth the attempt.

So instead, Ember gathered her anima into her chest and breathed in deeply, and expelled an enormous plume of flames just as they were about to clash weapons.