An Interesting First Fight


As soon as Noxtis appeared behind the female beastkin, she had already begun to twist around, crossing both her arms that were barely quick enough to block his first attack.

Jumping away from him, the female beastkin scoffed and readied herself. "Of course, you had to be the most annoying beastkin to fight with. Speedy and deadly, quite the good looker too now that I see you up close."

Having met only serious, angry, or not having enough time to tell, beastkin as opponents until now, Noxtis was not at all prepared for the teasing remark so early on. Because of that, he was stunned for just a moment. Just long enough for the female beastkin to take advantage of and dash back into Noxtis and strike at both his throat and crotch.

Feeling both strike true with almost all her power, the female ferretkin sighed. 'Heh, males are always the same.'