Earth, Shadow & Fire (2)

"Ummm... Nox? Since when could you do that?"

"Do wha...? Oh...? What the savages?!"

Fumbling and almost dropping the spear that found itself to be held in his hands.

"NOXTIS! We don't have time for this! The queen is coming, and its brood might be closing in on us soon. Deal with this later."


Looking once more at the simple but also deadly elegant spear in his hands, he was reminded of the time when he was watching another seakin practicing his spear-throwing technique. Noxtis had been so enraptured by the sight that he spent almost half the day seeing the older seakin use such a weapon.

His curiosity was so high that he even asked the seakin in question who he had found out was a retired War Band member who used his spear skills to help bring in savage fish and other savage beasts for his tribe and his War Band.