
"The Naga are a very loyal bunch. They have been the ones to follow me for the longest of all my Tribe.

When I had first stumbled upon them, they were but a small handful of seakin, but look at them now. Proud and strong but have not grown arrogant with their newfound reputation.

So? What do you think of Alexandrite, my dear Crimson Princess?"

Still in a daze from the sight and explanation of bloodlines she had never even heard about before, Ember blurted out. "Alexandrite?"

"Oh right, you probably don't know about it. It has been only recently that we finally finished building the thing. Delixi put all his effort into designing the city and architecture while my Tribe is a bit on the dull side but they are quite efficient workers when given enough 'encouragement'.

Anyway, I know you most likely do not care much for the sights. Unfortunately, even as the Tribe Leader, certain procedures must be followed.