The Moontide Phoenix

Realizing the seriousness of her statement, Silvia couldn't help but feel her impression of the young dragonkin female improve by leaps and bounds.

Silvia fully had expected to deal with a morose and downtrodden soul barely hanging on, and not the fiery determination that was lit in those crimson eyes.

After all, she had tried to bring a couple of others through this Hall of Cleansing as she liked to call it. It was a curious creation that her adoptive sister had formed with Silvia's request for a way to train her mental fortitude. And well...

'Isn't the best way to fight your fears? Cleansing your mind and heart of the terrors that lurk in the darkness. There is no better way than that, I have experienced it for as long as I can remember. And I was blessed to have met you wasn't I big sis Sil?'