Chapter 1: Prologue

The man opens his eyes slowly, not realizing when he dozed off.

Not that it makes much of a difference whether my eyes are open or closed.

"How long did I sleep for this time?" he muses, glancing around at the darkness around him.

He scoffs.

Still nothing but the dark, how many years has it been now? A hundred? A thousand? A million?

"I thought I would have reached the bottom by now, but there is still no end to this darkness. I wonder if I'm falling down at all!" he complains, his high pitch making his words echo in the space around him.

"Damn it, I wish I could die already! I tried to end this meaningless suffering many times, but it was futile each time," he sighs in frustration.

Is it just me or is this place getting warmer? Well at least it

Suddenly, there is a disturbance in the air around him. Alarmed, he looks around, "Huh, what's that noise?"

He discovers an all-white plane flying towards him, "What?! A plane in a place like this? Impossible!"

"Hey, over here!" he calls out, snapping out of his daze.

The plane dives straight towards the man until it is moving alongside him, the pilot extends his hand, holding out a letter for the falling man.

The man grasps the letter and opens it, the note is precise and unsigned:

Follow me if you want to meet the others. We have found salvation. I'll leave the decision up to you.

"Yes, I'll follow you!" he decides without hesitation.