Chapter 8: Pilots

The female pilot struggles as she feels her body to be restrained.

I can't move!

"Damn it! Let me go!" she demands.

"S-sorry, but I have to i-incapacitate you briefly. You are b-breaking the rules," replies the pilot.

The woman sprints past the female pilot, heading for the Castle gates.

No, no, no!

The female pilot watches in dread as she watches her getting closer to the gates.

The female pilot's body is electrified again, she hears the pilot let out a bewildered sound.

"I'm sorry," she says as a bolt of lightning fires from her immobilized body towards the pilot.

Already in a defensive position, the pilot braces himself as the lightning bolt crashes into him.

Realizing she can move again, the female pilot launches into movement.

Darn! I moved my hands instinctively. If it weren't for this barrier, I would have bee

The male pilot's thoughts get cut off in the middle when he notices a figure hovering above him a split second before a powerful kick launches him away.

Now is my chance, I'll have to knock her out and get on the plane quickly.

The female pilot bolts towards the woman.

Sorry it had to come to this.

She thinks dejectedly as she attempts to knock the woman out with her right hand. Her hand flying towards the woman until it is stopped in midair.

What did I just hit?

Bewildered, the female pilot looks around as the woman running towards the Castle gates collides with something and falls back.

The female pilot looks to where she sent the pilot flying, "Where did he go?" she wonders.

She turns her head left and right, looks in the opposite direction, and the pilot is still nowhere to be seen. Until she looks up and finds him floating in the air. One of his arms is pointing towards the woman and one is almost pointing towards her.

How did he recover so fast?!

She swiftly moves away from the direction his arm is pointing towards.

I can still move!

The female pilot processes all the information she gathers.

It seems for him to immobilize me, he would need to point directly at me. I can't underestimate him, he's waiting – knowing that I would target the woman – in an attempt to catch me. Had it not been for my fast reflexes, I would have been unable to move. And I doubt I can catch him off-guard again. If I try and get immobilized in the process, I have no chance at winning this.

She looks at the woman.

In that case, the shield around her is too unpredictable for me.

The female pilot rushes towards the pilot, bolting to the side as she punches the pilot's side, launching him away.

The female pilot continues her attack, hoping to overwhelm the pilot.

This continues for a short with the female pilot continually hitting the pilot or throwing him into planes or smashing him into the ground.

How resilient! This should be over soon.

She concludes, sending a right punch to his chest.


The female pilot stops short, horror filling her face as she looks at her arm pierced through the pilot's chest. His right hand is grabbing hers while his left hand still points at the woman.

"C-caught you," he says with a smile.

Is he insane?! He sent his body straight into my punch at full speed and lowered the barrier, this must hurt like hell for him!

The female pilot stares at him, still flabbergasted at the occurrence.

As she recovers from the shock, she realizes she can't move.

She realizes she has been caught.

Wait, if he removed the barrier. . .

She electrifies her body quickly.

The pilot gets electrified and pushes her away with a groan.

He crushes the bones in her legs and her right arm in the process making the female pilot scream out in agony.

The pilot falls to his knees from exhaustion, bruises, and a pierced chest, "I'm s-sorry," he says as he collapses on the ground.

The barrier around the woman drops as he goes under, and she continues to sprint towards the gates. Her eyes have not moved from them the whole time, missing the fight between the two pilots.

The female pilot falls, her limbs broken. She looks at the woman running towards the gates, a tear escapes her eyes as she closes them.