Chapter 12: Fun and Games

"Here we are! This is my favorite place to eat at, let's head inside," says Charlotte.

"So, what will you have, Neo?" she asks while checking out the menu on their designated table.

"I ─ I don't know . . ." says Neo, unsure of what he wants to eat.

"Oh, sorry. You probably don't know how to read,"

"I do, but I don't know what any of this stuff tastes like,"

Charlotte pauses.

He seems to understand the concept of eating and tasting! And he even knows how to read. How would someone who spent their whole life in the void know how to do any of that?

"I guess I'll have what you will have," she hears him say.

"In that case, we are having the fettuccine pasta most definitely," decides Charlotte.

. . .

The server places their plates in front of them and Neo just stares at it. He notices as Charlotte picks up what he realizes must be a fork and spoon by name and watches as she takes her first bite.

"I'll never get tired of this, so tasty!"

He grabs the fork and spoon and mimics Charlotte's movements.

A smile grows on his face as he proceeds to devour everything on his plate.

. . .

"That was great! Now, let's go for some rides, I want to show you my favorites!" exclaims Charlotte.

"But, I want some more!" protests Neo.

"Really? You already had three! Let's go have some fun, we can come back later," she promises as she grabs his arm and pulls him away, dragging him to her favorite rides.

They go around to the different arcade rides as Charlotte observes Neo the whole time.

Look at him, he's so happy!

"Oh! Come, this is my favorite ride," she says pointing at a huge train ride and notices how he seems to be mesmerized by the mere sight of it.

After a five-minute queue, it's finally their turn.

"My name is Charlotte, and he is with me, on my tab," she says to the operator.

"Welcome! Take a seat at the very front, please," says the operator after checking his device.

Charlotte and Neo sit, and a belt is fastened over them, locking them in place for safety.

She looks at Neo, only to find him shaking a little.

"Afraid?" she asks.

". . . excited," he says as the train starts to move up the large ramp very slowly.

A feeling of nostalgia hits Charlotte as she looks around at the beautiful view of the city.

"Oh, we should try that ride after this one," she says.

Receiving no response from Neo, she turns her head towards him to find him keenly looking at something. She follows his gaze to a huge field a decent distance away from the city. Its appearance is distinguished from the biome surrounding it and there is a large fence all around the perimeter. 

"Charlotte, what is that?" asks Neo, pointing towards it.

"That's . . . where the third Castle war took place a long time ago,"

"A war?"

"Yeah, the short version is that there are groups of people who hate the pilots. And after they had a new technological military breakthrough, they thought they could work together and take down, constrain, and imprison the pilots. Getting rid of them for good."

"And the pilots won?"

"Oh, it wasn't even close! Of course, they won. At least, he won."

"What do you mean by 'he'?" asks Neo, confused.

"Though, he doesn't claim it. The people have given him the title of the second strongest pilot in the Castle. He fought the entire opposing army alone," explains Charlotte.

"Alone? No way! Who was it?" asks Neo looking at her as the ride reaches its peak on top of the track.

"His name is Ka–" she starts before shouting and throwing her hands up as the ride starts to descend with incredible speed.

"That was awesome!" Neo grins as they get off the ride.

"On to the next one," she says, leading the way to the other rides.

Charlotte tells him all about her favorite rides.

"We should try that one next," she says, and then looks behind her as she receives no response from.

"Not again . . . " Charlotte looks around and spots him standing in front of a counter for a PC gaming area and runs up to him.

"I am sorry, sir, but you aren't registered in the Castle's system. So, I can't let you in," says the counter operator say as she approaches them.

"So, it is true," she hears Neo mumble, lost in thought.

She snaps her fingers in front of his face.

"Hey, wake up. Didn't I tell you not to do that?" Charlotte demands looking at Neo.

"Oh, sorry. But I could see you the entire time. I just really wanted to try playing here," says Neo.

"Hmm, alright, if its arcade and PC gaming you want, come with me. I'll take you somewhere that's best for that. But, you have to promise me one thing," she says after some contemplation.

"Which is?"

"That you will keep it a secret," says Charlotte, grabbing his arm and running.