Chapter 16: A Picture

"Hm, alright then. Question one: What did you mean by 'finally a factor of convenience' back there?" questions Adora.

"Four questions left," reminds Daki, "Well, in short, ever since Sheehan was kidnapped and we started searching for him, things like the discovery of level 0 and the incident with Dara and Sharara have been random factors that I did not anticipate and they made the job to find him much more difficult, not only acting as pressure points but also potential distractions.

"And with the letter from Kayn, I am sure that he is not in level 0 or level 1, so when you said that you and Charlotte would be heading for level 2, I finally found a random factor that was to my convenience for once. Because that's where we need to go to search for Sheehan anyway."

"You mean level 0 is a distraction?" asks Adora.

"Three questions left," he says.

"What? Oh, come on! I didn't think this would count!"

Daki shrugs, "Well, be more careful next time, I guess,"

Adora pouts cutely in disappointment.

"Anyway, from the letter and results so far, it seems to be the case. This entire level literally seems to be funded and built for the sole purpose of being a distraction that worked on us. Also, from what Sharara and Dara explained, I would say Zahtan is trying to slow us down and muddy the water as much as he can for us to reach Sheehan and if I had to say what the reason for that is, I'd say it's to buy some time,"

"Next question," he says after a pause.

"Hm, there is so much I want to ask though," says Adora, deep in thought.

"Alright then. Can you tell me all the reasons why you decided to come with me in this attire?" she asks finally.

"Damn, nicely phrased!" chuckles Daki, shaking his head.

"Well, I did it because it seems to be the best move I have for now. The first reason is because if I let anything bad happen to Kayn's wife ─ who is also my colleague ─ while she is under my protection, I'll never hear the end of it as he is that in love with you," he remarks.

"Aww, thanks!" exclaims Adora, beaming at him.

"Second reason being Charlotte as a whole. For example, when the four people started following you, something didn't make sense to me. . ." he trails off, glancing at her.

Adora stays silent, waiting for him to go on.

". . .Didn't fall for it, I see. Alright, fine," sighs Daki.

"Teehee!" she smiles cheekily at him.

"Why did they stand behind you at the arcade? Why reveal themselves like that? My guess would be that it wasn't you that they were following, but Charlotte. In fact, when they saw you approaching Charlotte, they probably panicked as they might have been ordered to protect her and they walked closer to make sure if you attempted anything, they can be as close as possible to stop you immediately.

"Also, I can't ignore her connection to Sharara, and I saw this as a step to help Sharara out. Adding to that what Dara and Sharara told me about her. Zahtan seems to have some sort of an attachment to her, going as far as imbedding a tracking and microphone device on her as seen by Sharara. Yet, even with this attachment, he now seems to be dangling her outside in public, probably as bait to attract Sharara. he sees it as another potential opportunity to distract us again, which shows me again that his aim is to buy time.

"Charlotte probably has a tracking device on her somewhere that I'll locate and dispose of when I see fit. As the fact that those four people that followed her disappeared will be noticed soon, and they will likely send more to check and spy on her, getting me very close to Zahtan and a potential weak spot he might have.

"But the problem here is that this is a double-edged sword because if he finds out who I am, he might find a way to take me out knowing I have no fighting capabilities like other pilots and take advantage of that. And as you know, this outfit is very similar to what your husband wears, along with the mask and the katana, it gives the idea that I am Kayn, coming to investigate and while this might give him the idea that Kayn is hiding Sharara, he wouldn't realize that the real Kayn continues to operate in the dark behind the scenes.

"This will also decrease the potential of the extra spies he sends from engaging with us. Or if he doesn't think I am Kayn, I hope this would at least make him think that the guy with the mask is a trap and make him more careful about acting around us.

"The final reason is, even with the risks, this is currently the best place for me to operate in. Dara is at the home base with Sharara and other Rope people. I am in telepathic communication with him at all times. So, I can operate from there and here at the same time as efficiently as possible.

"Best-case scenario, this move lets me gather information and knowledge while all Zahtan will do is spectate and operate under wrong assumptions," concludes Daki.

"Next question?" he asks.

"Wow. That one got my head spinning a little. How about a simpler one now, I heard your brother was on a solo flight route, why did he come here so soon?"

"My brother and I usually go on these together, but we got separated for a while, so it was his first time going a route solo. He told me that he found a passenger in the void who accepted to go to the Rope. While on their way there, they passed by the Castle and the passenger confirmed that he wanted to come here.

"My brother allowed it to happen, planning to have him meet me immediately as Dara saw potential in him and figured that I have a better way with words to speak to him. But things went astray, and he lost the passenger. He wants to look for him even now and I'll help him out after this mess is figured out," explains Daki.

"Next question," he says as he glances at Adora.

"I see. And my last question would be, what do you think Zahtan plans to do with Sheehan's powers?"

". . . Knowing that Sheehan's power is the ability to make anything given the materials, I would say that Zahtan wants to make a weapon that has one purpose . . ." he trails off.

"A weapon that can kill," he says, his voice grave.

"Kill?! Why go so far? All this just to kill!" exclaims Adora, flabbergasted.

"Well, I don't know why, as I have never interacted with Zahtan. But a thing might know, the 'Author'," he says.

"The Author? Who is that?"

"You are out of questions. Not that I can fully answer that question even if I wanted to,"

"Aww, come on! I have more to ask though! Like, what did you write in the letter and who is it for?" asks Adora, frowning.

She pouts when Daki remains silent.

"Fine," Adora sighs.

"At least now, I have an idea of how you think. My curiosity is mostly satisfied," she continues, stroking Haco as she meows.

"Anyway, why did I have to tell Charlotte that we will be twenty five minutes late? Where are we going?"

"Here we are!" announces Daki as they stop in front of a shop.

"Wait . . . are you serious?" asks Adora.

"What? I felt like having a slice of blueberry cheesecake. That's why we are going to need more time to get to the meeting location," responds Daki, already entering the shop.

"Yay! A strawberry slice for me!" exclaims Adora, following behind as Haco lets out a happy meow.